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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.32 - "Solid" 

Iceland is a land of unparalleled natural beauty, a place where rugged landscapes, volcanic terrain, and pristine wilderness converge in a symphony of breathtaking vistas. For drone photographers, this Nordic island is nothing short of a dream canvas, offering the opportunity to capture its wonders from a unique and mesmerizing perspective. As I didn't want to participate in fighting over the spot around the waterfall area, I moved away and started flying my drone. It was definitely the right choice as the terrain, water, and light really make this photo stand out over the same frames photographed all over again by thousands.

Kirkjufell, Iceland

DJI Mavic Pro2 35mm F3.2, ISO 100 1/640sec

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this is awseome. Is this a Panorama? How did you get it to look that good, never thought of it as a drone shot.

Thanks. It is panorama. Initially included the town to the right and entire bay but then I thought I'll crop it a bit to direct viewers towards the mountain.

how did your post processing look like? Dodge / burn? anything else? I always struggled with my drone photos but this looks insanely good.

First of all I like to have big good quality file to work with so I shot 3 lines of 4 frames whivh I also bracketed. I received massive file with a lot of details
Then I just worked with contrast, highlights and shadows