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Landscape Photography

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  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.92 - "Solid" 

Took this photo while on holiday at Glen Coe in the Scottish Highlands.
Visited Glen Coe 2 times earlier that trip with my wife and kids but it was raining. The last day of the holiday i saw it was partly cloudy and thought it was worth the 3hr roundtrip before flying back home. Luckily i was rewarded with a beautiful sunset. i climbed up the side of the mountain and got some nice shots, but when i went down to go back to the car, the sun popped through the clouds. So i took this image handheld from the side of the road.
Taken with my D7200 and Tokina 11-16mm at 12 MM. F/11, 1/50s ISO100

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1 Comment

This image gives me a really nice sense of being in this landscape. I love the way that the sun just illuminates the right side of the frame. There are so many places that my eyes want to explore.