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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.94 - "Solid" 

I took this photo off the Shiessentümpel waterfall in Echternach, Luxembourg. I went out to shoot this waterfall which is a pretty often photographed place here in Europe because off the bridge crossing above it.

When I arrived at the location I just sat down for a while and looked at the shots off this place online. I love to challenge myself to do something different with places like these where almost everybody gets the same shot. It was pretty busy around there. All off them photographers... I looked at my wife and said "I'm going in".

SO I went into the water, with was cold that time off the year, but I wanted to get another perspective then everyone out there. Somehow everyone stopt shooting when I entered the water, it was so quiet and I could hear everyone think 'what the hell is he doing".

When I reached my spot I was about 1,5meters deep in the water. I placed my tripod in there and took multiple exposures and focus stacked a bit.

When I came home I didn't need to do to much to the shot. Just combined the exposures, brought out the beams a bit more and gave it a softer feel.

I took this shot with my Sony A1 with my 24-70 GM lens at 30mm at F11 and multiple shutter speeds.

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