Critique the Community

Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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    View Results

Community Avg
1.91 - "Needs Work" 

"This beautiful sunset picture was taken during one of my trips to Durdle Door in southwest England. I captured this photo pretty much on my way back to the car after a long, all-day hike. The lighting was okay, but suddenly the sky started changing colors to this stunning magenta. I quickly grabbed my camera and tripod, and I think the path also provided a nice composition.I was in such a hurry not to miss the light that I forgot to change the settings on my Sony a7r3 from crop sensor to full frame, which isn't the end of the world but it would have been nice to have that picture in a bit more resolution. The lens I used was a Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8."

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