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Landscape Photography

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2.61 - "Solid" 

Although it is summer weather in most part of France right now, we still need to brace yourself for winter.

I was driving in the french Alps, toward Sixt-Fer-a-Cheval, where there is a famous snowshoe hike to discover the Fer à Cheval cirque.
It was early in the morning, the weather was with a heavy fog, that you cannot see further than 20 meters. But at one time, on the snow track, a breakthrough of light made appear this beautiful tree. I had to quickly take out my camera to capture this moment, before another wave of fog will make disappear the scene.

I was equipped with a Nikon D800, with my Tamron 24-70 at 36mm f/11, 1/100s.

This is why I love from the nature, that a "nothing" instant can change in a magical moment.

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My parents had one of Ansel Adams' photos that looks very similar to this hanging in their bedroom and I can't help but think of it when I see this.