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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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1.68 - "Needs Work" 

On our first day of hiking in New Zealand, my wife and I were excited but a little worried about the weather. It was raining as we drove to the trailhead for Rob Roy Glacier Trail. Our spirits were lifted when we saw the clouds part and a ray of sunshine beaming through. Suddenly, almost directly in front of us was a full-arc rainbow. I jumpled from the jeep just as my wife came to a stop, so I could capture this rainbow for posterity. It was still drizzling but clear enough to get this shot, a rare image of a rainbow from ground to ground on each side. I took this photo with my Canon 70D at 18 mm on my Canon 18-55 mm lens at f/8, 1/160 seconds and ISO-100. Processing involved small adjustments to brightness, contrast, shadows and removal of a few small circles in the sky caused by tiny rain droplets on my lens. My wife and I didn't experience any rain for the rest of the day, so the hike to view the glacier was fantastic. As a result, we think of this rainbow as a good luck omen for our entire trip.

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I should have mentioned this was shot on March 2, 2023.