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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.05 - "Solid" 

Pre-Sunrise at Rifle Falls in Colorado. 4 vertical frame pano with Sony a7iv and Sigma 14-24 DG DN at 14.8mm, f13, .6 Sec, ISO 100. Sitting precariously ontop of a wet rock above certain death, these frames were a pain, constantly fighting frozen fingers and wiping mist from my lens every 2 seconds to get the best shots possible. I was a bit worried it wouldn't stitch properly since it was shot at 14mm, but apart from some distortion on the bottom of the frame, LR did a pretty good job.

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ND filter? CPL? Shutter speed? If shot at F/2.8,( the background should exhibit bokeh, but higher stop captures it all....) Beautiful shot!

Thanks Marck! I fixed the description to include the settings. I meant it was the f2.8 DG DN lens, but it was shot at f13 across the pano frames. No CPL, this lens doesn't accept front element filters, and I don't think I used an ND since it was shot before the sun peaked up, but it was a chaotic, cold wet morning. It could've been a shot with one of the drop-in Haida filters.