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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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1.83 - "Needs Work" 

"The lake at night" is the title of the photo. One of the photos of the lakes that I took in 2017, this one is particularly dear to me not for its technical perfection because in reality I had a lot of difficulty extracting some details from the shadows of this photo, but for its atmosphere. The camera I used Eos 760D with 15-85mm 3/5-5/6 IS USM lens gave its all to create this image with a longer exposure but still I struggled to save the details.
I was visiting a friend in Croatia near Ploce in Dalmatia and this is the lake area that is inside the coast hidden well from tourists. I didn't do much in post-processing other than lighten the photo as much as possible by taking it to the limit before it falls apart. I added even more of the midnight blue tint that was already there.

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