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Landscape Photography

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1.89 - "Needs Work" 

"Landscars" is the title of the photo.
"If you can smell the wet earth, feel the damp in the bones by looking at the photo, it's a landscape photography” Or at least the kind of landscape I want to give voice to. (This frase was inspired and reinterpreted by Bruce Gilden definition of the street photography.)

Inspired by the simplicity of my native land I looked for a landscape that was something very personal, type of images familiar to many people who lead modest lives and cannot afford travelling. That area has no ocean or wonderful sees but I can still take the shoots of some gorgeous frozen muddy puddle.
I have been living in Italy for several years and I manage to return to Bosnia at least once a year and it is in those moments that I take these photos.
This white stretch of snow recalls the cuts in Lucio Fontana's canvases, but to me it looks like a scar left by wars. Indeed, this is the landscape between Novi Travnik and Vitez, my hometown. The land that experienced the terror of war in the 90s.
Seeing these fields covered in fog it is easy to imagine how many people have mixed their blood with mud and ice over the course of the war-torn winters. Although marked by these tragic events, this land has something magical about it.
The photo was made in 2018, At the time a had Canon 80D, with 15-85mm 3/5-5/6
As for post-processing, the photo is more or less the same as the original with some basic corrections such as contrasts and a little emphasis on color and haze.

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