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Landscape Photography

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Community Avg
2.61 - "Solid" 

The beautiful and world known view of the city of Singapore.
presenting a time blend composite with a graduation from sunset to blue hour.
It was also a beautiful evening as i have seen many new weds and couples come to declare their love to one another, such a joy to see.

Taken with Fuji X-T3 + 10-24mm @ 10mm

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Nice...I miss ol Singapore, it has been a long time since I was there, looks like Singapore has new buildings. I see what your talking about the bride and groom...I almost miss them, personally, I would have tried getting a different angle shot of this, to me, it seems too busy on the left side, and also, I would have tried to focus more onto the bride and groom, focusing on them with the buildings on the left. Just my opinion.

Thank you Don, yes i agree about the bridge i wish i had a wider focal length as my first attempt was for a timelapse then went with a time blend composite, so essentially i had to station my camera, the newly weds arrived withtheir own photographer and they were far from reach but i would say it would have been a great opportunity engaging with them

I like that shot, Don’t take me wrong!!!

Not at all, cheers friend

Nice shot. Is it just me or does it look tilted to the left? The horizon doesn't look straight. If you fix that I think it would be a very solid shot.

Thanks Kyle..i dunno when i move away a bit it looks level, tried to straighten based on the museum of the future and i keep my camera level when shooting. but also i have a stiff neck and ive been editing with my head tilted to the left so maybe hehe

haha, I was looking at the verticals which don't look straight to me. I struggle with this all the time as I do a lot of cityscapes with a wide angle lens that can cause distortion. It's an easy fix with the transform tool in LR although you might loose some of the buildings on the right side. The difference is subtle but noticeable.