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Landscape Photography

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  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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3.17 - "Solid" 

I have been scouting these hills in Transylvania for 3 days now. One day riding my bike and chased away by a thunderstorm I decided to take a final look with my drone to see what lies ahead. I saw this bend in the road just around the next corner and decided to come back the next day to check it out from the ground also. I had to wait 2 days to be able to reach this spot again because of the storm that followed.
But in that morning when I finally got there - everything was magical.
Played a lot with the composition and I settled on this particular one. Shot this with a Canon 5dmk4 and a 16-35/2.8 lens, 3 shots bracket merged later in Lr to keep the details in the sky.

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Magical mood :D

I like this shot, although, I would have taken more photos here and posted the best 3, my eyes take me along the road to the trees and bushes, I'm not a pro but I personally think if you would have taken this shot by those trees and concentrated mor on the house, I think you it would be more eye catching...

I enjoy the sense of space that you captured, your editing seems spot on, and the road as a leading line makes a lot of sense