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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.19 - "Needs Work" 

My grandparents live in a small town off route 66 in northern Arizona (picture Radiator Springs) just a couple miles behind their house are "the badlands." As a kid we would go there for events such as rolling burning tires down the hills. On my most recent visit I hiked in a little further and found this scene where the sun had scorched the earth leaving behind cracked cakes of dirt. The lines running between the hills the only evidence that there had ever been water there. I found it strangely beautiful. This is a stitched panorama that I shot hand held on my Rebel Xsi and the ef 18-55. About as basic as it comes, but gear doesn't matter. There are basic Lightroom edits done like pulling down the blues of the sky to create the awesome contrast. This did cause some extensive PS work to get rid of some haloing.

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