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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.17 - "Solid" 

On my very first visit to the bustling city of New York, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. As a passionate storm chaser, my ultimate dream was to capture the electrifying beauty of lightning, no matter where my adventures took me.

One fateful day, my friend and I decided to ascend to a rooftop in the heart of New York City. Little did I know that this choice would lead to an unforgettable experience. As we gazed at the city skyline, a sudden storm began to brew, seemingly out of nowhere.

But luck was on my side that day. I found myself at the perfect spot at the precise moment, with my camera poised to frame the iconic World Trade Center. As the storm raged around us, I couldn't help but offer a silent prayer. I wished that if a lightning bolt were to strike the WTC tower, it would make this entire journey worthwhile.

After what felt like an eternity, but in reality, only 15 minutes, it happened. A colossal lightning bolt struck the towering WTC, illuminating the entire city in a spectacular display of nature's power. The night turned into day, and the brilliant flash of light revealed New York City in all its splendor.

That singular moment etched itself into my memory, and I knew it was an experience I would never forget. It was a dream come true for a passionate storm chaser like me, and it solidified the magic of New York City in my heart.

Camera Nikon Z7II lens 14-24mm Nikkor
10sec f8 ISO 500

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1 Comment

What an incredible shot ! Right place right time. No wonder it was all over the news