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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.77 - "Solid" 

Tre Cime di Lavaredo is a pretty popular destination in the Dolomite mountain range in Italy. During our visit, it was raining pretty hard. My friends and I regrouped at a mountain hut near by to decide whether to continue. In hopes that the weather might clear up, we decided to go forward in our rain coats and ponchos. Right when we got there, the rain stopped, allowing us to get some decent photos and videos of the area. We decided to hike to a different vantage point to shoot some more. On our way back, the sun got low enough to peek through the clouds, creating a spotlight onto Tre Cime, granting me the opportunity to take this shot.

I took multiple photos and exposures of this shot just incase. This photo is a composite of two exposures, as the lighter exposure which allowed me to clearly see the ray of light on the mountains blew out the sky behind it a bit too much.

This was taken with my Sony A9 with the Tamron 17-28mm at 28mm on Sept 14th, 2023.

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