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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.27 - "Needs Work" 

A beautiful sunset with another picture from my Ladakh series; again, the place is Tso Moriri. This is a photo of a serene high-altitude lake surrounded by majestic mountains in the Himalayan region. The clear blue water reflects the sky and the snow-capped peaks in the background. The photo was taken during sunset, with golden rays illuminating the scene. It captures the beauty of a mountainous landscape and the peacefulness of a secluded lake. The whole scene drew my attention to an area, particularly the color contrast and elements in it. Thus, I was able to click on this beautiful picture. I have taken this picture with my Nikon Z6II camera and a 24-70mm F4 lens. Postprocessing has been done in it, like cropping, exposure, color, etc.

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