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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.81 - "Solid" 

This image is part of the Airuno Collection, a project I started in 2016 as a tribute to this enchanting place. We are in the small town of Airuno, located in northern Italy, on the banks of the Adda River, just a few kilometers from Lake Como. Here, the morning mists that rise from the bed of the Adda River create a magical atmosphere. On days with little wind, it's possible to witness this phenomenon and capture it in all its beauty and delicacy. These moments are unique, unrepeatable, and fleeting, lasting only for a few shots before the landscape changes, the fog shifts, and the sun's rays illuminate the scene. These are the moments suspended in time that photography captures and preserves forever.

The image was captured using a Nikon D810 camera paired with a Nikon 70-200mm f/4 lens. Afterward, the image underwent processing in Adobe Lightroom, and a few minor adjustments were made in Adobe Photoshop, particularly regarding color using the LAB color mode.

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Love this image and the mix of warm fall colours with cooler tones of the frost. But it does feel a bit off balance to me. If the bottom 25% were to be cropped off, leaving more of a panorama aspect ratio then I think this amazing fall setting would stand out more rather than having the eye drawn to the brighter part which is the bottom half.

I agree, I find this picture really beautiful and I like the delicate atmosphere but it feels like the foreground is a little too wide, but above all I find the yellow patch on the lower right corner a little bit distracting, it catches my eyes and I feel like it doesn't help me appreciate the overall scene. Overall, I personally like this photo a lot, great job!