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Landscape Photography

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Community Avg
3.33 - "Solid" 

Title: The Golden Crown

An idea has been wandering through my mind since some time ago. I wanted to include the sun right between those rocks and thus generate a sunstar, a golden crown.

As soon as I arrived to the place I saw a small pool that the tides had left there for me. It was sunrrounded by rounded stones covered with green algae and looking like alien eggs...
It would be a perfect foreground!

I positioned my tripod where I considered convenient to get the composition that I created in my mind and planned the shot with Photopills App.

This photograph was crafted through the technique of exposure stacking, combining multiple shots to harness the full spectrum of dynamic range. Another shot was captured to enhance the sunstar.
This technique allowed me to keep details/textures in the sky, the mossy rocks and the cliffs.

A polarizing filter played a crucial role in this composition. It allowed me to reveal some textures of the sand beneath the water's surface by eliminating unwanted reflections. I deliberately adjusted the polarizer to strike a balance, preserving the warm, golden hues of the sunlight dancing on the water too.

Furthermore, the polarizing filter intensified the colors and eliminated distractions caused by reflections on the wet rocks, resulting in a clearer and more focused image. The filter proved essential in enhancing this photograph, bringing out its full potential.

The initial development of each shot was carried out in Capture One, ensuring a solid foundation for the subsequent steps. The exposure stacking process was orchestrated in Photoshop, where I aligned and blended the images.

Subsequently, I followed my customary PS workflow, paying attention to the nuances of light direction, employing dodge and burn techniques to fine-tune the image. Curve and level adjustments were made to tailor the image to my preferences. As a finishing touch, I applied a Color Effects filter to impart the final desired tone and mood to the photograph.

This photograph was taken at Playa de Campelo, located in Galicia, Spain. It's a place I frequently visit and where I had long envisioned capturing an image like this. The beach's dynamic nature, shaped by various storms and tides, has since buried these rocks beneath layers of sand. As a result, this unique composition can't be replicated.

Canon 5D Mark IV
Irix Blackstone 15mm F2.4
Irix Edge Polarizer Filter
ISO 100 - F16 - 3.2s
Manfrotto MT055XPRO3 + XPRO Ball Head

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