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Landscape Photography

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3.2 - "Solid" 

It was a hazy winter morning in Veenhuizen, in the north of the Netherlands. One of those lucky days were the sun actually came out.
My girlfriend and I were having a morning walk towards the forest and I stopped to let her cross the bridge over the canal. On the right there is an uninhabited house that marks one of the entrances to the forest.
The range of tones easily overwhelmed my old 5d II canon camera (w/canon 35mm f/2.0), so I opted to do an exposure-bracketed panorama with three different exposure times. Later I joined them in Lightroom as an HDR panorama with some deghosting, brought the shadows up a bit and increased the contrast around the hazy parts that covered the house. I still see some issues in the deghosting of my girlfriend's figure, as she was moving in the photos. Overall this image evokes the feeling of awe that we both felt that day, and of gratitude to have been there to witness it.

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For the mood and feel

Amazing light but what gear?

Thank you for the reminder. I just added it (Canon 5d ii + 35mm f/2).