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Landscape Photography

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2.38 - "Needs Work" 

We're in the Drents-Friese Wold National Park in the north of the Netherlands. I'm carrying only my old canon T3i APS-c DSLR and my 100 mm f/2.8L I.S. canon macro lens, which I was (I am still) obsessed with.
We arrived around 6 am to the gorgeous dune/pine forest just in time for the sunrise. We were in such a rush to capture the mist among the dunes and the trees, but after we settled down, the sheep showed up. I am a great admirer of animals, and I love portraiting them as the individuals they are, just like we see the animals closest to us. Not like things, but like sentient beings. These three sheep were moving around, so I stood there for 15 min until I found the composition and poses I liked.
Because I was carrying my 100mm on a crop sensor, I did a panorama which I stitched with the fantastic Microsoft stitching tool and edited the resulting TIF with Lightroom and Nix Silver Efex, focusing on balancing the brightness on the white wool with the brightness of the faces, as I wanted to bring attention to them. Then I added a virtual red filter to give the deep tones that I love in the sky. I shot in raw+jpg (black and white with virtual red filter) to stay close to my vision in the moment of shooting. I also added a vignette to bring the eyes into the image.

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