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Landscape Photography

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2.11 - "Needs Work" 

This was shot on a fall backpacking trip in the North Cascades of Washington, where high up in the fall, deciduous conifers called larches turn bright yellow before dropping their needles for the winter. We camped by the pictured lake, and I hiked up this peak for late afternoon sun before it fell behind the ridge and darkened the groves on of the left side. I love the way larches glow in the sun, and was glad for clear skies in an unpredictable season. This was shot on a Sony A7Rii with 16-35mm F4 lens. F/8, 21mm, ISO 320 1/800sec. Toned in Lightroom.

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1 Comment

Awesome landscape with that fall-winter contrast. Although too much sky that doesn't add a lot to the image to me. I would omit half of it and rather see more on the bottom.