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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.28 - "Needs Work" 

A photo taken in the Alvord Desert, in Southeast Oregon. Taken on a Sony a6400, with 16-55mm G lens @ 16mm. 320", F8, ISO 100.

I had been down in the Alvord area for four days, camping and exploring some offroad trails when on the 4th night we setup camp back on the playa. The sky was bare that night, not a cloud in sight, the perfect conditions for the astro photos I'd come out for.

But I found myself watching the reflection of the sun off the dry lakebed at sunset, thinking of how the cracked earth looked like waves. I snapped a shot, and with a little tweak to the white balance in lightroom the photo was exactly what I was seeing. A weird, holographic projection of what the lake must've once looked like with the sun setting in the exact same spot thousands of years ago. Upon closer inspection however, it is merely just the dust left behind; a dry shadow of what it once was.

This photo was meant to capture the trippy, dual view of the same place at two different points in time in a single shot photograph, and hopefully I did exactly that.

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