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Landscape Photography

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Community Avg
2.27 - "Needs Work" 

Location: Desert Palms, California, USA
Date of Capture: December 5, 2022
Equipment: Sony A7R3 with a Canon 24mm Tilt Shift lens

Image is made up of single image that was manually focused. Continue to experiment with my tilt shift lens in landscape environment. I was set up next to the pond to capture a line to palm trees with the sky and mountains in the background.

I use Lightroom to process the image.

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Beautiful. I love the symmetry. I wish the tops of the palm trees were in focus.

Thank you for the feedback.

The balance from left to right and up and down is what appealed to me. That being said I wish the bottom of the trees were a little sharper.

At some point soon I will go back to my archives to see if I have other images from the same perspective where I adjusted the focus. I may get lucky and be able to blend a few images together.

Regardless after a long day of sitting in a conference I was happy to have an hour to walk around the resort I was staying at and capture a few images.

