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Landscape Photography

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  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.18 - "Needs Work" 

Urban Construction -- A sunset in late spring, one tower crane in the foreground and several more silhouettes of tower cranes in the background.

Shot with an OM EM1 Mk3 @ 90mm f8.

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I really like this shot (I do construction for a living) . I do wonder how much you can crop it down before you loose sharpness.

What would you crop down further in this image?

the current crop is a 3x1, if it was brought down to a 16x9, loosing large portions of the sides of the photo and focusing more on the sun and the surrounding structures.

I guess I really don't follow. What does that have to do with sharpness? You also lose 3 (maybe 4) of the 6 cranes in the background.