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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.9 - "Solid" 

In last years I have been getting more and more into nightscapes = landscapes under the night sky, mainly because of the experience (being out there with just the stars above your head in the surreal silence is quite an unique experience that not many people get to live) but also because of the complexity: planning, execution and processing is quite like nothing else... All in all, in the end you get something that is quite unique and offers an often new perspective over sometimes mundane places. This particular image is taken in Germany, Bavarian Forest. It's a 5 shot tracked and stacked pano for the sky and 5 shot for the foreground, edited with Lightroom and blended using photoshop. Using tracking allows for longer exposure times of the night sky and brings out the airglow colours and details of the Milky Way that you would never think existed.

Nikon D7200, 16mm @ F2.8 2min exposure

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