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Landscape Photography

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  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.61 - "Excellent" 

In the White Darkness

A photo of a solitaire oak tree in a meadow in the White Carpathians mountains, Czech Republic. Shot on a cold, windy day during snow showers.

Image taken with Olympus E-PL7, M.Zuiko 12-40 mm F2.8, handheld.
@ 15 mm, F6.3, ISO 200, 1/160 s.

On the editing side, very little has been done to the image. Converted to BW to get rid of a gentle bluish tone. Then added a tiny bit of contrast and clarity to the tree.

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Reminds me of an illustration in a novel. Very cool image!

Thank you, I wonder what the novel was about.

I love it. Great image, and the framing's just right.

Thank you, I'm glad it pleases your eye.


Thank you

Novel image. Very interesting and creative.

Many thanks!