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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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3.11 - "Solid" 

This is a sunrise over a local pastoral setting next to a major state university in Connecticut. I was on my way in to shoot an assignment when I saw the atmospheric fog and couldn't pass up the opportunity. There's fun detail once you look closer - there's a morning hiker and a cow grazing.

I wanted maximum DoF (to really get those distant valleys filled with morning fog, zoom in on the horizon) and wanted to try for a solid sunburst using an F-mount lens on a Z body so stopped down to f/18. It didn't give me quite the effect I was looking for but it's not bad.

I was shooting handheld so kept the shutter speed at 1/500 to try and minimize any blurring from my hands.


The image was warmed up, especially since my WB was set to a cooler temp from a prior shoot and I forgot to adjust it. There was a small woodshed with a tin roof which had a ton of reflection from the sun, so that was removed. Other than that it was just some contrast, a linear gradient to give a little more detail in bottom half of the image, and removing some dust spots from the sensor.

For an unexpected morning stop, I was really happy with how this came out.

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