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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
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Community Avg
2.84 - "Solid" 

This image blends astrophotography with light painting and a human subject. All the images used to create this piece were shot from a tripod in the same location.

The Milky Way was shot with 10 exposures on a Sony A7Siii with 24mm Sony lens at f2 ISO 4000 with 10 second exposures. They were then stacked to reduce noise.

The landscape was shot earlier in the day as a focus stack of 7 images with a Sony A7Riii ISO 100 f8 at 1/80.

The dancer was shot on site after the star stack. I set a 10 second timer so I could then run out to her and lean out over the railing with a strobe and 24" beauty dish to provide illumination with a second fixed light bar below her and a large 60" softbox on the opposite side to fill in. ISO 100 f5.6 1/3 with strobes.

The suitcase had small headlamps inside to create cracks of light that was a separate 30 second exposure walking the suitcase out to create the light trail. ISO500 f1.4 30sec.

The lantern was hung on a light stand in the place it was held and shot separately at ISO 1000 f4 30sec.

All these images were then layered in Photoshop. Since the tripod was set in a fixed spot I could stack all the images and then paint in the dancer, paint in the lantern, light trail, etc to keep the elements I wanted in the image and remove the elements like strobes I did not want in the image.

This painstaking process allows for incredibly high resolution and full detail in shadow and highlight elements.

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