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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.55 - "Solid" 

The title of the photo is "Forever Autumn", captured at Letchworth State Park in Castile, New York.

The rustic stone steps that lead down to the iconic Middle Falls offer an incredible view, especially in the fall. This is a photo I have been wanting to capture for a long time but I had to wait for just the right conditions. On the evening of October 22nd, 2023 I found myself heading towards this vantage point after spending hours exploring other parts of the park. On the drive to the southern end of the park I began to notice the perfect set of clouds hanging gently overhead. Making my way through the scenic winding roads lined with beautiful fall colors and golden light, my hopes were high for a fantastic sunset. Upon arriving at this location I set up my tripod just to the right of the stairs. Not only was my positioning great for the composition allowing the steps to act as a great leading line, but I was also out of the way so people coming and going could get past without me having to move. The waterfall was framed in with brilliant fall foliage and the clouds above were beginning to break into an array of incredible twilight colors. The only thing left to wait for was the singular lantern along the trail to turn on and once it did I was left speechless! An overwhelming amount of warm and magenta tones filled the air creating a dreamlike atmosphere. It was certainly a moment I won't soon forget. The "Grand Canyon of the East" never fails to disappoint me!

This was taken on a Nikon Z7 with a 24-70mm f/4 lens.

EXIF: ISO 100 - 24mm - f/9 - 0.4sec

It was edited in Lightroom & Photoshop.

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