Critique the Community

Unique Lighting

Photos with "Unique Lighting" Win $2,500 in Profoto Light Modifiers
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 25 May 24 03:45:00 +0000

    New submissions are closed.

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Community Avg
2.67 - "Solid" 

In this image, I used bold lighting to create a dramatic portrait. I played with red and blue lights to add intense contrast. By positioning the red light behind me, I created a glowing halo effect that highlights the shape of my profile and hair. The blue light from the front adds a cool tone, enhancing the contours of my face and body. I chose a dark background to keep the focus on me and to make the colors pop even more. The movement of my hair adds a sense of energy and flow to the image.

Used: 2 flashes with color gels (red and cyan)
Camera settings: 1/500 sec at f/1.4, focal length 35 mm, ISO 200

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