Testing the Dynamic Range Limits for Medium Format Film: Kodak Ektachrome E100

Current digital medium format cameras offer some of the best in image quality. One of the big advantages that these large sensor cameras have is dynamic range. Most currently medium format cameras offer around 15 stops worth of dynamic range when shooting raw. How does medium format film compare to that? 

A recent video from Kyle McDougall demonstrates how flexible a specific stock of medium format film is. The film McDougall chose for this test is the relatively new Ektachrome E100 film from Kodak. I find it somewhat strange that a new version of film was recently released, yet, I'm also very pleased about this fact. 

Film sales have been increasing steadily over the last few years and Kodak has ramping up production. The fact that a new version of film is being released into the market, is quite remarkable. 

McDougall conducts a number of tests on the scanned film, to see how far images can be pushed. My understanding is that in general, most film tend to be better when over exposed slightly. Under exposing film in my experience, tends to produce muddy looking colors and shadow detail is difficult or not at all possible to recover. 

If you're interested in seeing how this new film performs, check out the full video linked above. 

Usman Dawood's picture

Usman Dawood is a professional architectural photographer based in the UK.

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