Canon Confirms It Is Done Making Flagship DSLRs

Canon Confirms It Is Done Making Flagship DSLRs

In a bit of news that is important, though not particularly surprising, Canon has confirmed that the 1D X Mark III will be the company's last flagship DSLR, with forthcoming top-of-the-line models being exclusively mirrorless options. 

The news came in an interview with Canon CEO Fujio Mitarai for Yomiuri Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper), in which Mitarai discussed the company's future regarding camera bodies, stating:

It is natural that mirrorless cameras will become the mainstream of digital cameras... Canon’s SLR flagship model is known as the 'EOS-1' series, the first of which appeared in 1989. The latest model EOS-1D X Mark III released in 2020 will be the last model, in fact.

The news is not particularly surprising, especially given the company's heavy focus on the RF mirrorless mount in recent years and with the release of the EOS R3, while the EOS R1 is also on its way. Personally, I highly suspect the company is done making any new DSLRs, no matter the model level, especially with budget models like the EOS RP rounding out the bottom of the mirrorless lineup and more likely to come. 2022 should see the company continue to aggressively expand their mirrorless offerings. 

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Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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I would imaging, then, that the same holds for EF glass.

They pretty much said that a couple of years ago.

I have the feeling that they will produce another dslr at some point. So many ef lenses will not end up in the garbage, even though they can be used on RF

Don't count on it. Canon has no problem walking away from old products or technology. When it went to EF cameras, I think it was perhaps two years that it introduced its last FD-mount camera, the let it completely die off. All F-1, A-1, FTB, and millions of AE-1 owners were expected to switch to EF/EOS, or find another platform.

you are probably right but it would not surprise me though

Technology trumps nostalgia

and the fewer moving parts, the fewer things that break down and the fewer items that require shop-floor development

I upgraded from a 5Diii to an R5, and there is no reason I can ever see using my DSLR again. The nostalgic part of me is sad though, since I owned an EOS-1 back in the day and loved that camera!

I took the same path from a 5Diii to an R5 and I haven't looked back.

Not entirely surprising. With how far MILC's have come in terms of performance, there's no real benefit to DSLR's anymore. Some people do prefer the OVF over an EVF, but that's just a preference thing and hardly enough of a difference (or market) to warrant a company investing in R&D for an entirely separate line of cameras, lenses, and accessories. The DSLR will probably go the way of the TLR or rangefinder where they become niche products. Given Pentax's commitment to the platform, maybe they can make a little niche for themselves the same way that Leica has their rangefinder niche.

wow i will love to give a try on the canon