You prepared your bag for the day, you charged your batteries, formatted your cards, and dusted your lenses. But have you forgotten anything? Here is what is also important to think about for a blissful day of shooting.
Do you remember when you were a kid and you insisted on wearing your new shoes that day in the city? And that you regretted it after an hour? Well, you're an adult now. So, it's less likely that you will make this same mistake. You will choose your footwear cautiously.
There is nothing worse than having to shorten a photo session because your feet hurt. Be sure to wear shoes that you feel comfortable in and that you know well, not a pair you just bought. Usually, sports shoes are not the best choice for a city trip. Made for jumping or running on courts, they might not be the most adequate for trampling in the streets. But I might be wrong, and you know your feet better than me.
Ideally, the ones you will pick absorb shocks, are made of fabric that can breathe, and are waterproof. A sole in Vibram is also very valuable.

It may sound obvious to take water for a walk in nature, but it can also be scarce in a city. Shops may be closed because you forgot that it's a public holiday. Hot days may leave small stores empty or too distant from where you are. Street vendors are sometimes illegal and sell overpriced, lukewarm bottles. And you may urgently need water to take medication, even a simple painkiller. A small bottle that you slip in the bag may save your day!
This is not only a question of fashion. After all, why not be smartly dressed when creating images?
A light scarf has many purposes. After two hours of walking on a sunny day, you enter an air-conditioned museum or restaurant. Cold air can be treacherous. A scarf is sometimes enough to prevent you from getting cold.
In some unfriendly environments, you may want to be discreet or avoid attracting attention to you and your gear and quickly hide your camera. Simply slide it under your scarf.
Looking for a place to sit in the grass? Here, it serves as a comfy and clean layer.
A sudden burst of dusty wind? Our cameras dread sand and dust. Simply wrap your scarf around yours.
Sun, rain, or snow? A cap will keep your head cool, dry, or warm.
Obviously, an umbrella, although very efficient, wouldn't be convenient. How do you manage holding it and your camera at the same time?
Don’t underestimate harsh sun or the heat that you lose through the head. Why let your ears freeze and suffer when it’s easy to prevent?
Rain Coat
If you were confident enough not to take any jacket and weather conditions got worse, it’s time to draw your ultimate weapon: the poncho.
I agree that it makes you look like a folded parasol on a deserted beach, but it’s very efficient. Moreover, it’s light and small. Disposable cheap version exist, easy to slip in a pocket or a bag.
Business Cards
There's no need to be a CEO, Patrick Bateman, or a famous photographer to carry your own stylish business cards.
Even in the digital age, they are proven to be useful to keep in contact with people you meet. Not everyone is comfortable with mobile phones to the point of being swift enough to register a contact or take notes.
Those cards will display your name, your preferred way to be contacted (Viber, WhatsApp, etc.), and your social media (Instagram, TikTok, etc.). Stick to the standard size and shape for your area.
Bring along some blank ones: they will allow you to write notes, such as the date, place, hour of shooting, and the contact information of someone you promise to send a photo to. Back home, when you copy your files to your hard drive, be sure to take out those annotated cards from your pockets or wallet and store them in a fancy cardholder on your desk.
Closing Thoughts
Those items can make the difference between an awful shooting day and a successful one. Most of them are too small and cheap not to consider them.
I know it doesn’t help with your Gear Acquisition Syndrome. But, let’s be honest, you never wanted to cure it, am I right ?
Also, feel free to add your own items in comments!
I have a waterproof jacket and waterproof overtrousers that came with and pack down into small pouches. I'm never without those on potentially rainy days. A heavier waterproof coat for colder days.
It sounds good ! Nobody likes to be soaked from the rain. Do you have references for these items ?
I get the general drift of this article but I would be hard pressed to believe that someone buys a Nikon Z9 or Z8 and forgets to buy proper hiking shoes. Really?
Thanks for the comment ! I read that even an experienced photojournalist went on assignment during a war with simple city shoes. So, even the best make that mistake... However, the intent is that everybody finds something that they might find useful for their photography.
I don't need this stuff. I've been negotiating life for many decades since leaving for college. It's just not that complicated. When I was a kid going skiing I would use a simple checklist in the garage: I remember it still: hat gloves skis boot poles. I am in the groove when I feel most at home where ever I am. Yes I have frozen my hands on Mauna Loa during a super moon. Yes I have fought sweat raining into my eyes in Kenya and Cuba. It's part of just going and doing it.