Is the Sony a7R III All That It Is Hyped Up to Be?

As a Nikon shooter myself, the stats on the Sony a7R III have my head turning. After watching Sony grow over the past few years and seeing how good their cameras are, I think it is safe to say that this new camera will not disappoint. Being that I mainly shoot photography, the “R” definitely calls my name and I think one of the biggest factors is the fact that this body can also shoot some pretty good video. These videos really have me thinking about what my next step could be when shopping for gear.

I currently own a Nikon D750. It is an amazing camera and I absolutely love it for photography. I mean hell, I even loved it for video when I had to use that feature on it a while back. For me, the only thing Nikon really lacks in right now is video, and even with all the upgrades to the D850, you still don't get logs or in-body stabilization. This plays a huge role in the work that I do and looking into the D850 and a7R III, I would have to think that the Sony is the better option for all-around use in the long run. Right now, I am using a Panasonic GH5 for video and I don't think I could love that camera any more either. With the way things are headed though, I think that having a full-frame camera that can do photo and video would be ideal.

It's funny because a few days ago, I was really considering jumping on the D850 until I took a little more time to think about it. Sony is obviously a bit pricey and there is a ton to think about when it comes to switching. From my standpoint as a photographer doing more and more video work, I think that moving to Sony could be very beneficial. As much as I love Nikon and all of the photos I was able to capture with their gear, I feel like my time has come. What are your thoughts on the new Sony a7R III? Do you think this camera is one of the first of its kind?

I am a huge nerd when it comes to drones and have been flying for over 4 years. I enjoy doing aerial photography as my personal work but shoot tons of video for work as well. I am a part of Simply Visual Productions and Simply Sounds, working my way into an industry I couldn't be happier to be a part of.

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