Trending Posts in Portrait Photography

Girl flying a kite

Flying a kite is one of those timeless childhood activities that gets rediscovered by each new generation. In the...

End of coat season

Ady thrifted some faux fur and thought it'd be fun to shoot. She spend the afternoon with me and we shot several of her...

Bianca in my studio

Trying to find different postures for portraiture


I met a Paige at a photography conference. There were 20 of us and she was the only model. It was a little chaotic. She...

The Mask

I usually specialize in landscape photography but love to use the opportunity to shoot a portrait when I have a chance...

Eva's eyes

Eva's mother is a local makeup artist I've worked with many times. She told me her daughter would like to get into...

Klinger, the bug man

Every month, the bug man comes to spray. Some overlook all the people who make our lives livable. Not photogs.

All The Way To Santa Fe!

Shot recently at the outdoor railroad museum in Pueblo, Colorado.


Brazilian model here in Taipei.

Sofia on my piano

It has been a few years since I photographed Sofia. Luckily, we reconnected and lined up a shoot. She saw this dress on...

CJ's naked dress

I've been photographing CJ for years. She took last year off. We'd have lunch or dinners together but not shoots. This...

Emma holding flowers

I've photographed Emma a few times. We always get great pics and have lots of fun getting them. She was visiting Dallas...


My first attempt at a headshot.

Angelina in black on black

Angelina wanted to start her portfolio. We put a 3-look shoot together. She wanted to do something with "black". This...

Party's over

Maddison came over for a 3-look set. We thought it'd be fun to to a New Year / holiday themed shot. Turns out her mom...

Nadine in my studio

a photo session for new book cover

Kayla in all black

Kayla was in town on a holiday break. She came over for a 3-look set. I told her to bring an all black look. This is...

Mikela in monochrome

Mikela is an aspiring model who was looking for some portfolio shots to submit to an agency, and she agreed to do some...

Savannah in belts

I've started a project called "Clothes/Not Clothes". The objective is to create clothing (or coverings) from non-...

Teresa is art

Teresa needed a portfolio update and wanted to feature more high fashion looks. A local designer lent us a few...