Trending Posts in Portrait Photography

Kayla in white denim

Kayla wanted to fashion shoot during her Spring break. We planned a 3-look set one of which was denim. I was expecting...

Celestial Goddess

Tried something new with 1kg of cotton wool that we piled up on a gray backdrop to then add a digital background.

Alison in nylons

Alison is a model, medical student and entrepreneur. She came over for a branding shoot recently. I think this image...

Taylor's naked dress

Taylor's agency recommended we get together for a test. I took the opportunity to play around with a staked key light...


Poster for a dance company's new piece, Lear. We wanted some cold, dark, rainy look with a heavy, broken expression...

Alisha in black

Alisha and I have been trying to connect since last Summer. Our schedules finally lined up recently. We shot a 3-look...

Emma's desert photoshoot

Emma and I planned a shoot while she was home from university on Spring Break. The weather didn't cooperate so we...

Dai in the mirror

I was able to connect with Dai again when I was in Arizona a few weeks ago. We were in her home getting ready for a...

Ellie's braid

Ellie and I shot her very first fashion shoot a few months ago. We instantly had a chemistry that came through in the...

Cassidy's black mini

I participated in a 8 way cross promotion recently. Three photographers, two makeup artists, two models and a hair...

Model: Salimatou Sanha

Model: Salimatou Sanha Photographer: Bram van Dal 1/250 F/1.4 1250 Canon 5DmkIII Sigma 85mm On the left a large window...

Ashley + 1

My first maternity shoot. We would have liked a magic hour outdoor shoot, but Chicago is cold and looks like shit this...

Christina in thigh high boots

I stopped by the modeling agency to drop off my updated portfolio. Christina happened to be there talking with the...

Couture Venus

This last year was a super busy one and I haven't been active here for a while, so I wanted to share one of my latest...

Modern couple

Morgan came over for a shoot. She brought her boyfriend. At the end she admitted she was hoping to get a couples shot...

Kate giving off Ralph Lauren vibes

Kate and I have been following each other's IG for years. We finally connected for a shoot. It was definitely worth the...

walk in the park

I simply love everything ive created this year

Drea in black leather

A mutual friend recommended Drea and I connect on a photo shoot. We picked several looks including this one with black...

Mackenzie's black bodysuit

Mackenzie just signed with a modeling agency. She needed images for her portfolio. Her skin was perfect so I decided to...

Emerald in tiger print

Emerald came over for a 3-look content builder session. When we pulled out the tiger print jacket I knew I wanted to...