Trending Posts in Wildlife Photography

Common buzzard

That's an adult buzzard that I've been following, with its mate, for many years, giving me the opportunity to take a...

Blue Herons

Blue Herons are building their nests

Blue Heron

There is a nesting area where the Blue Heron come to every year for mating.

White Tail Deer

I saw these deer while leaving Fontainebleau State Park one evening. I had my 60mm macro lens on (which would have been...

Great Horned Owl owlets.

Some owlets from a few different nests.

Winter Preparation

A Lesser Yellownape Woodpecker in the process of drilling hole in tree trunk for storing food for winters.

Last Shot of the Day: Coyote Stare Down

Just when you think your day of shooting has come to a close, and you are headed down the highway pointed toward home,...

Juvenile Eagle

It was very nice day out and the birds of prey were out scavenging food. This eagle was approached by people and flew...

White-winged duck

The living glider

Plain backed sparrow

Not quite often to see this guy around in the field near Bangkok, Thailand.

Golf Course Goose

The nemesis of many golfers setting up camp before the golf season starts.

Broad Headed Skink

When I first came across this skink it was very shy, and every time it tried to get in for a shot it would dart back...


I believe that the dragonfly on the brand is a Slaty Skimmer, and the one on the green reed is a Blue Dasher.

Hey, I'm Hungry!

A Great Horned Owl chick in the nest at Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet SC, USA. Nikon F5, 600mm f/ ED IF AIS...

mule deer trotting through the snow

35mm film photography for those who prefer a softer look... Shot with Pentax K1000 and Ilford HP5 400 know for soft...

"The Eyes are Windows to the Soul"

After several attempts at getting a good shot of this horses eye, I gave up, so that I wouldn't bother him much. The...


Bullfrog staring at the camera


Took a picture of this junco rummaging through the grass. I believe they are winter visitors (here in Virginia) and...

Bald Eagle in Black and White

When I saw the eagle in this tree I knew it would make for some really good black and white photos. I sat and took...

The Raven

An Edgar Allan Poe homage