Trending Posts in Wildlife Photography

House Sparrow

Hello, I am not normally an animal photography (I prefer plants and bugs), but with the winter weather we are...

The Hypnotic Gaze

Ball Python staring into your soul.

Red Tailed Hawk

Hello all, first post here! I spent a few hours chasing this beauty around a river park in Ohio (Kiwanis if anyone is...

European robin

I'm quite the noob at bird photography, was lucky enough to capture this robin... Not too sure about my post-processing...

Cannibal at large

A 5.0mtr long Nile crocodile attacks a smaller Nile crocodile, in a rarely captured cannibalistic move. Sony A9i / Sony...

Okavango Sushi

A large Nile crocodile lifts an equally large catfish into the air before flipping and swallowing it whole. Nile...

In the jaws of a dilemma

A large Nile crocodile raises it's head high, just before slamming the catfish onto the surface of the water to...


Sanderling looking for a meal along the shoreline.


Very active goldfinch I came across carrying around some nesting material.

The eagle stare

This eagle stared me down when I got of out of truck to take a photo of him...

Eagle clenching onto coral

While out on the waterfront, the tide was low, and all the birds were feasting on the coral that was out of the water...

Ringneck Parrots - Australia

Ringneck for their yellow collar. This species is called the Mallee Ringneck. Tiger Bay wetland, NSW. Sony A9 + 2x TC...

Birds in flight in their environment

Lockdown has been an opportunity to go through the hard drive, revaluing shots that include some context. I've come to...

Little cuties

Small birds from Australia - snaffling these in among foliage is an enjoyable challenge. 1. Brown Thornbill 2. Eastern...

Swamp Harriers in flight

Adults are shy and will do a 180 as soon as they see a human. Juveniles have yet to learn this. 1. Adult starting the u...

Shy Albatross

These grow a wingspan up to 2.5m. Southern Ocean, Australia.

Bald Eagle

Went to a wildlife refuge early in the morning in search of bald eagles here in Virginia. Spotted a nest (which was...

White faced herron

this was taken in Greymouth nz

Honey I'm Home

I watched these two Great Egrets for about an hour. One stayed on the nest making adjustments and the other would fly...