Great cormorant(s) in flight

I'm aiming to become good in photographing birds in flight.. but my attempts do not yet deliver. I have a couple '...

FYI - Website updates

Just to let you know that I have updated my website blog entries that may be of interest to some. - reformatted my '...

Porto reflections pt. 2

Trying to show something different each time.

Snow Willow part 2

Okay, so we finally got more snow... and lots of it. As per my earlier post I was hoping we'd get a bit more before...

From wildlife to painting ..

I have this entry level APS-C camera and a lens that is not super bright, resulting in lots of noise when conditions...

Inside out

Revisiting recent reflection posts reminded me of some past shots where I had shot into shop windows in an attempt to...

Porto reflections pt. 1

One of my favorite activities is walking around new places just looking for anything interesting.

More Layer Blending

This was another set of images that I didn't like so much out of the camera. I was going to delete them as well, but...

The Road Goes Ever On and On ...

I haven't posted anything for a long time. Last night I took some pictures of the sun setting above the road we walk...

What's in a name?????

The surname name Brown is not one that can be considered rare, and as you might expect there are many Alan Brown's in...

Either or..

I have planned to take a winter picture of a local Willow for some time now. Ideally, I want to capture this during a...

London reflections pt. 2

The first one must have three layers of glass??? The second one is from inside a small museum.

shy bird

this little fella did not like to be photographed, and when hunting the bird, trying to manually focus it (because AF...

TrailCAM Composites.

I've been AWOL for most of the last two weeks due to a day-long stint in the Paoli Hospital. It was an intense day. I'...

London reflections pt. 1

Just walking around keeping my eyes open. I'm sure it's not great photography but it's not bad!

Submit and Engage. Resistance is Futile.

Are you aware the added benefit (?) of using a pinhole body cap is the ability to judge if it is time to clean your...

Vegas reflection

Just a quick phone shot from Vegas.

February challenge - Reflections

Following Charles' "Douro River reflection" discussion I feel that the subject of reflections might be a good challenge...

Muybridge Redux

This post is intended merely to illustrate the "floating" issue mentioned previously. Image #1 is a downscaled JPG of...


The weather just hasn't be nice making the outdoors non-photogenic, so I decided to visit Dean's Art Museum (Non-...