Transitions play a huge role in making a video appealing. Here are three ways to create seamless and dynamic transitions for your video projects.
Travel videos can often contain so much visual information, and one crucial skill to develop is to arrange them in sequences that are not just visually stimulating but also not too overwhelming or distracting. Travel videos tell stories about a place, the people there, and ultimately the experience of visiting the place and interacting with the environment. Depending on how much you do on location, how much you explore, or how many different stories you would like to tell, there is a tendency to over-crowd your videos with too much information and movement. Separating and arranging them into effective sequences is where transitions best come in.
In this video from travel filmmaker Kyrke Jaleco, he talks about three essential ways to create effective transitions from even the simplest of footage. This video does not discuss the technical aspects of shooting or editing such videos but instead talks about the creative use of visual and sound elements in creating transitions and effective sequences. With the right collection of footage and visual information, the use of movement, and great composition, following these tips should help you be more effective in stimulating your viewers and keeping them hooked to your clips.