The 90s were a time of lightning-fast technological development, when the beginnings of the digital camera experience we take for granted nowadays were just coming together for the first time. This fun video takes a look at the capabilities of a typical camera from the time and the experience of shooting with it.
Coming to you from Lazy Game Reviews, this video is a neat look at a digital camera of yesteryear. With a 43mm equivalent lens permanently set to f/5.6, a fixed ISO of 130, an automatic shutter between 1/30 and 1/10,000 s, and a whopping resolution of 640 x 480, the Epson PhotoPC was a $499 digital camera that came with 1 MB of permanently installed flash memory that could store 16 pictures at full resolution. And while that's obviously laughable by today's standards, my first digital camera had almost identical specifications, and it was a marvel to simply have the capability to take pictures digitally. If you really want to appreciate how far technology has come (or get a good laugh), notice that the only way to change the shutter speed was to set it while the camera was connected to the computer; once you disconnected it, you were stuck with that speed.
[via Lazy Game Reviews]
i recall a point and shoot at work in the late '90's; it was a Sony something, with a floppy disc bay, and "crazy" number of mega pixels- like 2 or something... haha, crazy...
The Mavica! Those were my jam; I couldn't get over how cool the floppy disc part was.
A buddy of mine had one of those in about 2003 when we took a baseball tour - six stadiums in eight days - and got some awesome shots with it. Great camera for the time, though still well behind a film camera in image quality.
I still have my Mavica from 20 years ago, and it still works! This is a sad reminder of how old I am. That wasn’t even my first digital camera. That would be the Casio QV10.
I had an early Kodak and it had internal memory. I believe 32mb! For all the damn times I've forgotten a card I wish modern day cameras had onboard storage.
I love these, I think it makes me think about the shots I'm getting more carefully since you can't overshoot lol!
I thought I had one of the oldest relics -- a Kodak DC 210 with a whopping *1* megapixel camera. It came with a 4MB CF card, but I opted to buy an additional 10MB ("ten", not "one hundred") CF card, which cost $130!! I still have the camera, and it still works.
Basically as good as a canon 5d mk iv