Enhancing the Atmosphere of Your Landscape Photos in Lightroom

Landscape photographers look forward to days with foggy conditions, which help create interesting scenes to photograph. But timing your outing with those types of conditions isn’t always possible. Using Lightroom, you can use several techniques to enhance the atmosphere of your photos.

As landscape photographers, we have all been there. We have the perfect scene in front of us, but when we get home, the image lacks atmosphere. It could be a crisp day with no mist or fog, or just a light fog that could use additional enhancement. Mark Denney shares a multi-step technique in this video to help enhance the atmosphere in your photos.

Denney demonstrates several steps in Adobe Lightroom to make targeted adjustments to add a hazy atmosphere to several sample images. Though there are multiple steps to the process, he clearly walks through each and demonstrates the changing effect as he applies them to the image. He repeats the process on a second image to reinforce the process.

I found the video interesting; while I knew the basics of creating some atmosphere in the distance to help add depth to my images, he used a couple of additional techniques I had not used before. I look forward to experimenting with this process on some of my own photos.

Jeffrey Tadlock's picture

Jeffrey Tadlock is an Ohio-based landscape photographer with frequent travels regionally and within the US to explore various landscapes. Jeffrey enjoys the process and experience of capturing images as much as the final image itself.

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