The Weather Is So Unpredictable! Or Is It?

As a landscape photographer, I have often packed up my bag, jumped in the car, and headed off into the preferable sunset. My bag is packed with high hopes and expectations for an amazing shoot and for the shots I am going to get. The ever-present challenge is whether the weather is going to play ball. Of course, I have checked all of the apps and made my decision based on what they were telling me. However, I often find that while it might be right to some extent, it is rarely right for exactly what I am looking for. High clouds, fog, mist, or even clear skies are needed for those banger shots.

The Challenge

The challenge is that all of these weather apps are created for general use, and none of them have been created with photography specifically in mind, until now. Some of you will know Christian Irmler; he is a former writer for Fstoppers and is a talented & prolific outdoor photographer and also a YouTuber who has decided the time has come to change the norm. Christian is not only a talented photographer; he is also a software engineer, who has a successful company in Austria and has combined his skills in programming, algorithms, and photography to create a much-needed source of accurate weather predictions, created for photographers by a photographer.

The Solution?

Photrus, a location-specific weather predictor that is tailored to your specific needs, has just been announced, and I cannot wait to give it a go. It will take your requested area, preferred type of photos, and weather conditions needed, and look across many weather sites and resources to get you the accurate prediction you need. All are delivered with enough notice direct to your inbox to help you decide not only if you are going to head out, but also where it is best to go. Imagine you have a shot in mind for a certain location, but all you need is specific conditions to get that bucket list shot.

Well, now it seems you can tell Photrus where you want to go, and what conditions you want, and it will check this for you in the background. When those exact conditions are due to arrive, bang, you will get a dedicated email direct to your inbox, and all that's left is for you to get there and bag that shot. Exciting times for sure. I am excited to see where this goes; Christian has made a great video explaining the why and how behind this, which you can check out above.

Darren J. Spoonley's picture

Darren J. Spoonley, is an Ireland-based outdoor photographer, Podcaster, Videographer & Educator with a passion for capturing the beauty of our world.

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