A photographer in the United Kingdom has been ordered to pay a fine of more than $8,000 after posting a selfie to Instagram which proved that she had broken quarantine laws.
Carys Ingram who describes herself as a fashion, events, and wedding photographer had flown from Manchester, England to the island of Jersey. Upon arrival, she was then legally obliged to remain in quarantine until receiving a second negative test five days after her return. It emerged in court that Ingram had left her home repeatedly in order to go shopping and to a restaurant.
As reported by The Independent, Ingram posted a selfie to her Instagram of her trip to the El Tico restaurant in St Oen’s Bay. Authorities had attempted to contact Miss Ingram during her isolation but were not able to make contact, and the selfie was used as proof that she was ignoring quarantine regulations.
For her two breaches, Ingram was given the choice of six months in prison or a fine of £6,600 ($8,625), opting for the latter.
It later emerged that one of the passengers on the same flight as Ingram had tested positive for Covid-19.
Lead image from StockPhotoSecrets.
That's a lot of "if's", and it doesn't address what I was getting at. It's one thing to preach and it's another to mandate. It's one thing to precaution hospitals from doing elective surgeries and It's another to mandate hospitals not to do elective surgeries and almost bankrupt it. Our hospital was empty all summer and permanently laid off hundreds of employees. Pick your poison!
And i'm all fine with those precautions. I'll wear a mask for 3 months. I'll social distance for 3 months. I'll wash my hands 50 times till Sunday. But what if it's 33 months and we're still not free of mandates because it's not "safe enough"? I believe we need to get to a percentage of the population have had it and establish herd immunity. If no vaccine comes, it's our only realistic option.
Herd immunity is only possible through a vaccine.
When we get to 33 months and we're still dealing with it, it will be because people weren't responsible.
What hospital was that you're mentioning? I know here in TN no hospitals are mandated anything regarding surgeries. They are voluntarily stopping elective procedures when their occupancy is over 90%. I know a lot of Medical practices did suffer from people being afraid to be in Medical facilities because of the Pandemic so they put off treatment and care. Not mandated, just people being scared.
You'll excuse me if I listen to medical professionals and the CDC for advise instead of someone's anecdotal accounts in a photography forum. Be safe. Look out for your neighbors.
When enough healthy people contract the virus and beat it, it becomes less and less likely for it to spread to the vulnerable. Not ideal without a vaccine, but possible. Whether or not people decide to be responsible is still a separate issue from what I was getting at.
I'm in PA. We were on very strict lock downs for two months (cutting off fingers before the inevitable arm amputation). Early orders from the governor was to halt all surgeries that aren't life threatening. Mt. Nittany is the hospital and my sister was one of hundreds to lose her job as a the Nurse manager on her floor.
You go right ahead and I respect your decision to do so... I'd rather you do it without losing any civil liberties. You do the same!
Actually not how it works. When enough people contract the common cold, also a Corona virus, they just catch it again. When enough people catch measles, lots of people die. It would take eons for even a chance of the evolutionary change in our bodies to have any chance of developing immunity without a vaccine. Already there are people who have contracted Covid multiple times. Viruses like Covid, Polio, Measles and many others can only be controlled with effective and mass vaccination.
That order was only for 21 days, but sorry to hear she lost her job. However Nurses are in really high demand. Pretty sure she shouldn't be without work for long.
'Polis issued Executive Order D 2020 009, effective March 23, 2020 through April 14, 2020, ordering that all hospitals and outpatient surgery and procedure providers cease all elective and non-essential surgeries and procedures. The order also directs all such providers to preserve PPE, ventilators, and respirators.'
Hey Kyle, it's not at all about Gov't taking away your rights. We HAVE to get the economy moving again as soon as possible. So let's mask up and vastly slow the spread and end this thing. There is NO loss of civil liberties to pull together and try and end this thing. The problem is pussy-footing around with people who keep spreading it around screaming about being a Patriot and inadvertently spreading a virus. It's not left or right it's simple science and a math problem. No one is taking away your rights, we are at war with something that needs to be defeated yesterday. Let's beat this thing and open the economy fully again.
I agree 100% we need to get the economy moving again. A shut down does the opposite. People act like masks are going to magically stop the spread. All of the studies are in theory and don't include the human element. Theoretically if you disinfect your hands every time you touch something, never touch your mask to adjust it, replace or disinfect the mask multiple times daily, it might slow it (If done perfectly every day). I have no problem doing whatever makes people feel better but let's not be naive on the realistic outcome of what everyone is adamantly demanding or else punishment will be ensued.
Again, my post wasn't regarding masks. It's regarding a government telling people and businesses what to do with their lives and the people that line up with torches ready to bring judgment on anyone that dare defy it (Like this article). It's a slippery slope! Churches are shut down once a week but people are still cramming into airplanes like sardines daily. As of yesterday, Illinois re-implemented a shut down with no bars or restaurants open. Businesses in the small town my friends are from are being hurt or shutting down. Walmart and amazon are loving the increased revenue though! SMH!
Thought this was appropriate humor to add to the conversation....
1. Arrive at restaurant, fish three month old single-use surgical mask out of car's filthy cupholder (still slightly sticky from this morning's 84oz diet Pepsi).
2. Strap up with three month old single-use surgical mask.
3. Proceed into restaurant, opening door with same handle grabbed by 200 people so far today.
4. Hostess has immediate seating for your woke party of three. Walk past entire restaurant of unmasked people. It's ok, they're sitting.
5. Sit down.
6. Safely within your anti-germ forcefield, remove mask. Browse menu while making relaxed inhales of the same recirculated AC air previously inside the lungs of the 200 people that also grabbed the door handle.
7. Waitress drops off drinks bare handed.
8. Grab drink with your bare hand. Sip leisurely, secure in knowing you're within your anti-germ forcefield of seatedness.
9. Too many drinks. Need to pee. Don the magical anti-germ barrier mask as you leave your anti-germ forcefield of seatedness.
10. Walk past 40 unmasked restaurant patrons. Open bathroom with same door knob grabbed by 100 other people so far today.
11. Return to table past same 40 unmasked restaurant patrons.
12. Remove mask. Once again safe in your anti-germ forcefield of seatedness. Waitress takes your sweaty drink glass with her bare hand, refills, hands back to you. You accept with your bare hand. Grab some bread and eat it. Same hand. Yum Yum.
13. Meal complete. Mask on. Walk past 40 unmasked patrons. Make full body contact with at least 4 people waiting at the hostess stand as you squeeze your way back to the door - no matter, they're all also wearing their magical anti-germ barriers.
14. Grab exit handle, which you are now the 220th person of the day to touch. Eating out successful.
15. Breathe a sigh of relief knowing that even after leaving the protection of your home and venturing out into the scary world of the public, you are essentially sterile - thanks to your state approved methods of magical germ mitigation.”
Hahaha I like the list! Yeah, we're not far apart in thinking. With my goal to get the economy going as soon as possible, I don't know of a better plan than to mask up and keep stores open. I mean, is there another way I'm missing? As for the gov't telling you to do things being unappealing I agree! It's only my opinion that because we are at war with this virus, now is one of the few times to act as one. We have done this before at war in the US. We all agree to the gov't making us stop for red traffic lights. That's not a slippery slope. I don't think this is the time for standing up for your liberties with such a simple request. It ain't perfect but a mask does help a lot. Unless you have a better plan, we need to beat this thing and get the economy open again. 240,000 in US dead? And here it comes back again. Thanks for your logical well thought reply. We're not so different in thinking.
I spoke to a friend of my mother who lives in Jersey, they are very strict about people coming onto the island self isolating, because of that they themselves can walk around freely.