Simplify Your Edits: Using Lightroom's New AI Tool

Learning to simplify your images is crucial for effective photography. Lightroom's new generative AI feature in the remove tool simplifies this process, making it easier to clean up images without extensive post-processing.

Coming to you from Katelyn James, this insightful video introduces Lightroom's generative AI feature in the remove tool. This tool goes beyond basic object removal, enabling you to eliminate distracting elements effortlessly. The feature surprised James with its effectiveness, especially when she edited an engagement session. Small objects that couldn't be cropped out during the shoot were removed seamlessly. 

The video demonstrates using the tool with a simple example, removing railings from a photo. James explains that while the tool is generally efficient, it can be slow, especially on older computers. However, the time saved from not using Photoshop outweighs this drawback. 

In a more complex example, James tackles the removal of a chair and a person from a Fourth of July photo. This scenario tests the AI's capabilities with more intricate elements. Initially, the AI struggled, producing imperfect results. However, with adjustments and retries, it successfully removed the distractions. 

The generative AI feature represents a significant leap in editing technology. By simplifying the removal process, it allows you to focus more on creativity and less on tedious post-processing tasks. Check out the video above for the full rundown from James.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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