Netflix Releases New 'Cloverfield' Movie in Immediate, First-of-Its-Kind Streaming Rollout

If you were watching the Super Bowl tonight, you might’ve caught a debut trailer for “The Cloverfield Paradox” that ends with the words “coming very soon.” Just a couple hours later, the J.J. Abrams-produced movie dropped on Netflix’s streaming service in an unheard of marketing move. Is this the future of blockbuster movies?

The rollout occurred so fast that the official trailer is only under 70,000 views on YouTube right now. There was no other hint that a new “Cloverfield” movie was coming today, and no other traditional forms of advertising such as interviews, teasers, or posters were made available.

Late last year, Paramount announced that the theatrical release of “The Cloverfield Paradox,” then known as “God Particle,” would be moving from this weekend to April 20, 2018. In a surprise twist, however, fans were blindsided by tonight’s sudden direct-to-streaming release.

This is the first time a movie production of this scale launched with such promptness. For reference, the first “Cloverfield” movie costed an estimated $25 million to make. “10 Cloverfield Lane” had a $10 million production cost. This new movie had an estimated $45 million production. This is a bold move for Netflix distributing a movie of this caliber in such a daring way.

Is this movie the first of many we will see that takes advantage of the “nowness” in society today? Do you prefer this method or the traditional marketing rollout?

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Ryan Mense is a wildlife cameraperson specializing in birds. Alongside gear reviews and news, Ryan heads selection for the Fstoppers Photo of the Day.

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I think the worst marketing move that exists today is hyping a movie far too long. It's not uncommon for movies to get their first teaser and posters over a full year before the release of the movie now (Suicide Squad anyone?) and I think you are totally fatigued of the movie before it even comes out when trailers and media continuously trickle out for that entire period.

So, yes, I'm a huge fan of short window marketing. Excitement builds fast and there's nowhere for it go except into the movie itself.

Of course if the movie is bad, none of it matters — especially with streaming services. Word of mouth spreads fast.

This was the worst movie of its kind, it truly sucked. A complete waste of time, flop.

I didn't hate it, but it had poor pacing, hamfisted dialog and concepts, and didn't bring anything new to the genre.

Watchable, but disposable.

This is fascinating and well in line with the hush-hush secretive marketing campaigns of the pervious two Cloverfield movies. I'm sure this will be a big win for Netflix but I can't imagine that there will be a lot of other movies emulating this approach anytime soon. It just seems too jarring and risky, no matter how well it turns out for the film and for Netflix. I'm amazed that in this day and age, there wasn't even a hint of a leak that this was coming.

I saw it on netflix and then saw available after the game and I was like what game :) hahhaahahah

Who would want to prefer traditional method? “New movie coming out tonight» - sounds more than awesome.

I'm sure movie theaters really like the traditional method, haha

Take a bad movie and hype it's sequel. Move along now, nothing to see here...

I respect your opinion but it’s wrong 🙂

Netflix is about the only TV I watch anymore. As far as this move by Netflix - just marketing hype to lure in more subscribers.

Do you think this move will generate equal or more hype than the teaser trailers, the talk show tour, billboards, etc?

This is cool and I'm excited to watch it but I think Netflix is capitalizing on the free press they are getting to be the first to do this. I don't see how it's beneficial after this first time. I'm definitely hyped for West World and their new promo got me even more excited.

I just watch it and it was great! I don't really understand why this film has some bad critics over internet

The second one was a lot better, that is true, but only if you don't watch the trailer first because spoils half the movie

I just learn that the first one cost 25 million, the second 10, and the third 45. The second one is the cheaper and is, in my opinion, the best one by far. Has everything...

That's great news! I'm watching it later tonight and can't wait.

The trailer I saw in the cinema for the second one I don't think had much reveal thankfully. Either way, it was probably a year or so after it was released that I actually watched it, so I didn't remember anything about it anyways. It was brilliant.

That also brings up a point in this new release for me. As with the second one, I kind of just forget about movies and shows even if it's something I look forward to. Having the announcement butt up against the release makes this a lot more likely for me to actually watch the damn thing and not wait. I'm currently this way with Black Mirror. It's probably my favorite show ever (edit: just kidding, that's LOST) and I still haven't started season 4 which was released at the end of December.

I went to watch “10 Cloverfield Lane” without knowing anything at all, not even that was related to another previous film. I remember at first, feeling the mystery, not knowing what happens in what appeared to be a kind of "hostel" or "saw" movie, then the film changes completely and you have that kind of Hitchcock paranoid intrigue, and in the end, the film changes totally again and my mind just blows away!. I saw the trailer soon after and realized that reveals too much and that would have ruined the experience.

This last one is receiving some harsh heat on the internet, but I enjoyed it a lot. Anyway, I have a weakness for space thrillers this type like 2007's "Sunshine" so my opinion can be a little bias. I hope you like it too.

Series, "Deadwood", "Breaking Bad" & "Better Call Saul", olders like "Get Smart", "Munsters" and "Addams Family", oh wait, I forgot 1965 "The Avengers" and "True Detective" the first season... are the first ones that come to my mind. And I get addicted to "Stranger Things" after the second season. The first one was too slow pace for me... And you are not going to get disappointed with Black Mirror season 4. Has two of the greatest chapters of the entire series!