The Washington Post's White House photographer, Jabin Botsford, captured a highly contentious photograph of U.S president, Donald Trump, in the midst of the COVID-19 chaos.
So often photographers play some role in political history, for better or worse. Sometimes those images are momentous, harrowing photographs of war or revolution, and sometimes they're more quiet and subtle. Botsford's image for the Washington Post is closer to the latter of those, though its impact likely far from momentous. The image is likely to become a strong talking point, however.
This week, Trump has come under fire at press conferences for referring to the coronavirus, COVID-19, as the "Chinese virus." Many questions were raised over whether this was racially motivated, with people coming to Trump's defense to say that the virus did indeed originate in China. Many were unconvinced and felt that it was a calculated move by Trump, and Botsford's image certainly points towards that being correct.
The image clearly shows that Trump's notes for his speech yesterday on COVID-19 originally had "Corona virus" written, which he had crossed out with a marker pen and replaced with "Chinese virus." This photograph will likely spark a lively debate on Trump's intention and call into question his motivations for that change. We are yet again shown the power of photography in even the most unlikely of moments.
All 3 of them would be inaccurate. The first is not descriptive enough as there are many varieties of coronaviruses. The second one would suggest that this is the only virus to come out of China, which it isn't. The third suffers from the same problem given that we can assume that there are probably a number of viruses in that bio research facility. This is the type of problem that happens when media sensationalizes stuff and, in the process, dumbs things down to the common denominator.
No, they are all accurate. Your comments are the type of problem that tries too hard to be PC. Sometimes, you just have to face facts.
What about Kung Flu?
Who cares.. this website is garbage now. Do we really need more political posts on here? How about writing articles about things to do while everything is shut down. How about writing articles about funny things that have happened during your career as a photographer. We have a million other things we can think about write now vs what the president is doing to piss people off. Thank god ive got an ad blocker and just wont be buying any more of their video tutorials (if one of the people that run the site want to look at my purchase history on here they will see ive spent a decent amount of money here).
Even though this is a photography web site, it is still an open forum.
Do we really need more negativity right now? Does this help the situation at all? All articles like this do is piss people off and get them fighting in the comments section. Just a few days ago they posted an article questioning if the media was being racist in posting photos of asian people wearing masks. Really at the end of the day nobody gives a shit if Trump crossed out some words other than the people just looking for reasons to be mad at him. Hell even democrats that were high fiving each other when they impeached Trump are actually praising him now for how he is handling this. A CNN anchor basically said Trump is exactly what the country needs during this time. Meanwhile on fstoppers we get articles if something is racist or questioning why he crossed out coronavirus and put in china virus. Who gives a shit.
I have an issue with the phrase who gives a shit, if you give a shit you are leaving something behind, if you take a shit, well that's backwards because you are coming out with less than what you went in with, so actually you gave a shit, but then who really gives a shit anyway.
We are fetish shaming now? jk
We put the fun in dysfunctional.
Pee is a good disinfectant. Anytime I shake someones hand I make sure to splash a bit of urine on my hands after.
Well played
I'm a social person. I shake a lot of peoples hands. Part of my morning routine is shaking my own hand to start the day off right.
Hillary Clinton left 4 people alone to die in Bengazi.
These idiotic comments by the orange virus-45 lovers. We're all going to die.
Let go of your orange love. Have a nice day. :-)
Unfortunately, nobody loves you. So, yeah :-)
I prefer the term "Kung Flu." But seriously folks, Chinese is not a race. Chinese is a nationality. The term "Chinese Flu" cannot be racist. If racism now consists of Trump substituting a different adjective in a speech, I'd say racism is not nearly the problem some say it is. People are not charitable to China, so what? They gave us SARS (from bats, again) and now COVID-19. China is a bad country. Criticism that misses the mark is, at worst, inaccurate. Who can manifest sympathy for such an evil government? I'll answer my own question: people who hate Trump enough to use his edit against him to point out his "racism." Don't allow your (often well-deserved) hatred for Trump to cloud your thinking.
Often. When someone lies to your face, constantly pumps up his own achievements beyond the level of their accomplishment, is a brand - not a president, and is consumed in his own ego well beyond the self-involvement typically seen in politicians, that is worthy of hate. Having said that, I voted for Trump in 2016 and will vote for him in 2020. As adults we have to pick the least-worse candidate for our country whether we like him or not.
Hatred is a natural emotion which we have a right to feel and express. We're not going to banish hate just to make the world safe for Trump or anyone else. Also, we are all better and worse than others in this world. Equality is a lie.
A corona virus is a virus that is usually transmitted between animals and does not infect humans. When it makes the jump to humans then it becomes something else and once humans can transmit it to other humans we have a real problem. In this case the WHO and the CDC named it Covid 19
I fear that COVID-19 or a mutation of it could jump back into animals - specifically, the cows, pigs and chickens grown on factory farms in the US. The close proximity of these animals would lead to a massive die off and make food much more expensive - not to mention the huge reduction in the deliciousness of our diets.
hahaha... idiot photographers acting smart... too funny. Relax button pushers.
The more people engage with this the more he wins. Ignore it!
As we speak we are short of PPE. China has been donating to neighboring countries and their manufacturing units are back on line. We need their help. Insulting them serves no purpose.
Trumps failure as president to lead our countries best minds and resources to prepare for this pandemic is deserving of a name...."The Trump Virus." He miserably failed.
Wonderful idea. Let's make it go viral
So sorry to the Chinese people, they have suffered for so long. It should be called the CCP corona virus. The Chinese Communist Party should take the blame for this.
Read up on the Revolution. The chinese people made their society what it is today. No sympathy deserved. However, lessons to learn are that the socialist libtards of today are oh-so-close to performing the same revolution in our great country today... if only Pelosi or Schiff had the balls to be a Mao type of leader. The indoctrination has been taking place for 70 years.
Oh yeah. No alias used here.
Kung Flu, anyone?
This is a good example of photography capturing a moment that is important to society (whichever side of the fence you're on).
It may be click bait, but any controversial photo of a topic like this will be.
whatever his intention, Jabin Botsford did his job well as a press photographer.
OMG!!!!! Trump edited a speech.
The virus would never have made it here if Bernie was elected! There wouldn't be a global economy left afloat to afford international travel
Another politically motivated, intentionally provocative, and non-photography-related post by Robert Baggs. I used to enjoy his contributions, but something appears to have gone terribly wrong in his little world.
Question to all you orange lovers: how’s your 401K?
Mine is just fine. You see, I went conservative and don't get as much on the top end, however, I am GUARANTEED 6%. I made this decision before Trump was elected and I'll leave it at that.
The deep fake president designed by Russian hackers to make Americans look foolish.
I understand where he came from, Chinese Communist Party should be responsible for this global health and economic crisis, but using the word Chinese is seriously wrong, as there are many Chinese in the world aren't from China, and common Chinese civilizen should not be blamed or discriminated too.
I don't mind if he said CCP virus.
It's really funny watching you Americans fighting each other. He succeeded at that. Most of the time when shit hits the fan, people unite. You should too. I don't think there is a nation divided as you are.
Yes, this is a time to unite, spend time with family and play around and improve in our craft and businesses.
However, the MSM, CNN, MSDNC, they are the cause for the divide in the country, Not Trump!
It is on CNN you will find the propoganda to get rid of Trump (Project Veritas investigation) and their contributors and MSDNC contributors wishing the Corona on Melania, and their continuos slandering of Trump and his supporters (we are racists, cultists, nazis, you name it, we have been called it). Or how about the news in VA during the 2nd ammendment rally? The MSM spit hate and lies stating of Trump supporters with guns, dangerous precedent, riots and mass arrests were going to happen.
What happened? What did the proetesters, (Trump supporters) do after the protest? They cleaned the streets of litter and trash.
THAT sir, is where your divide comes from, the left and their severe TDS.
And I suppose you watch Faux News exclusively for their fair and biased coverage.
Yup. They have not been the #1 rated news station for nearly 50 months now because of their 'Faux' and 'Bias' news. No one on Fox calls for Melania Trump to be infected with the Corona. No one on Fox is investigated due to propaganda Coups, which stared 17 mins. after Trump was elected. I can continue, but this site has pushed it too far to waste anymore time here..
Just what kind of stupid are you?
Ratings don’t tell the whole picture. If you have 1 voice saying one thing and 10 voices saying something else; you need to look at the total viewership of the 10 vs the 1. Also just because one is louder doesn’t they’re right. They’re just popular.
Sorry mate but you should check your pulse. Trump is corrupt and playing with democratic institutions, stretching them to a breaking point. Many politicians may be corrupt but very few have been as inconsistent and indeed dangerous as Trump. That’s not propaganda or „fake news“. That’s just how it is. If you really WANT to believe the opposite then I‘m sorry for you. But remember: There is no shame in admitting one was wrong. By the way remember all this isn’t about you personally. He was impeached not because of you but because of actions he took. He was kept in power not because of you or because you were right, but because his party wants to remain in power and their line of defense is untenable if you compare with the impeachment of Clinton for example.
Just breath in, breath out. And think of which side in history you want to be on. The advantage of being a voter is that you can hold people to their responsibilities. If you don’t then really you aren’t any better. Yes that may mean you should swing quite a bit. Would Clinton deserve a third term (if there was one)? No. Indeed that may be the key reason why Bush won. Did Bush deserve a second term? No. Does Trump deserve a second term? Nope. Just look at the facts.
So to be clear, I'm European living in Europe. When "my guy" who I voted for does something wrong I call him out. You sir sound like somebody that will support his guy no matter what. Reason is obvious, you only watch your favorite channel and refuse to belive other media is saying even if you watch other media. You choose to belive that everybody is hating you. Maybe, just maybe you should take the helicopter view and objectively take a look at your views. I don't belive you will ever do that, just sayin'.
I originally come from Balkan area (look it up if you don't know where that is). In 1991 few nationalist leaders fed people with nationalism and played the blame game. How? Trough media which they controlled. Sounds familiar? This resulted in a bloody war. So dont tell me how it works. There was a particular group (nation, religion) of people who choose to kill my friends, family and others who were like me. You know the other side, the ones that got blame. I choose not to hate people that belong to that same religion or nation. They are not all killers after all. Today I have a lot of friends and even family who belong to the "other side". I don't play the blame game because I choose not to. It is not a right thing to do. Something for you to consider maybe?
It is people like you who make the healing possible. Bravo to you and my condolences for the losses you may have suffered in the process
A photography site is the last place I thought I would find or deal with TDS and politics 🤷♂️🤦♂️. How does this better the community and help improve us in our craft? Seriously?!
If you scroll through Fstoppers main page, there's little activity in the articles. They had to stir the pot a little. And, what's the best way, inject politics.