Male white privilege is among one of the most pressing issues in the modern working world. But does that extend to photography? Unfortunately, yes. Here is what one renowned white male photographer had to say about this issue.
The world is becoming more and more aware of the countless disadvantages people of color face when trying to get equal opportunities in their careers. This extends to women, as well as other groups of people. Summed up, if you’re not a 30+ white male with a native accent, you have likely faced disadvantages in one way or another. In his thought-provoking video, Scott talks about the advantages, sometimes unfair, that he got because of how he was born.
I can strongly relate to this. While I am a white male, I was not born in an English-native environment, and if you talk to me long enough, you’ll realize that I am not native. On top of that, I am also way under 30, closer to 20. These factors, while nowhere near something an aspiring female photographer would face, still have held me back from doing certain things. As a matter of fact, some people repeatedly told me to not run workshops or coach photographers because of how young I am and the stereotypes around that. Funny enough, it’s never the people who attend my sessions, but the other folks that run them.
Coming back to Scott's video, I strongly encourage you to check it out and see just exactly how white privilege contributed to photography and what efforts are being done to counter it.
In the retail portraiture business, where virtually all the purchasing decisions are by women, male photographers are very frequently at the disadvantage.
The funny thing is that you are 50 and they don't want to hire you, but the company itself (full of young talented trust fund kids) ceases to exist in less than 2 years. So why would they want young people, when they themselves are about to die as a company?
I am am still waiting for my white privilege to kick in. Considering I live in a country where 86% of the population are indigenous white I am VERY disappointed it hasn't.
There are millions of white men in the UK who are disadvantaged because they were born in Clapham or Sheffield or Hull or Barrow-in-Furness. Within the white male UK population there is an awful lot of inequality and discrimination due to many factors such as one's accent or how much money Mummy and Daddy have or to which Masonic lodge they belong, etc.. It is an unequal unfair world love. White people discriminate against other white people as they do against non-white people, perhaps even more so, but it is often much more subtle and covert. Not much of a mention of disabled photographers in the video, perhaps Scott is ableist.
If white privilege bothers Scott so much perhaps he should relocate to where there is no white privilege such as Saudi Arabia, or Iran, China, Nigeria and so on where he can experience discrimination and persecution first hand.
Thankfully, this quite horrid liberalist woke politic is a fad, it will pass over and it will be back to business as usual and that is a small number of very wealthy privileged white people ruling the greater mass of underprivileged and excluded white people.
Country music is pretty diverse. The main exception are main stream sources that put on high rotation songs that a few record labels send them, then you will get a distorted view. If you use services like Pandora, and other similar ones that to AI tagging based on sound patterns and then find music based on what you like, if you have a country music focused station, you will get a very different view. Same with other genres such as rock. alternative, and many others. In the majority of the major categories, the distribution of artist fairly closely matches the population proportions for a given language.
A lot of commenters here seem to be confusing class discrimination with white male privilege. White male privilege refers to people gaining some sort of privilege due to the colour of their skin and gender. Being privileged because you were born into wealth or discriminated against for your accent and or lack of wealth and opportunities is referred to as class discrimination and isn't the same thing.
Privilege because one is white, or born into a certain social strata or caste, or born with money, or born able bodied, or born neutral typical is still privilege. Privilege is privilege.
I feel privileged that I was born the opposite end of the country to London, does that count?
Yes privilege exists in a number of forms but white male privilege specifically is about a privilege solely due to race and gender.
This privilege is local, just as everywhere else in the world. If you move to China, you'll be complaining about Chinese male privilege, because nobody's going to hire you.
It’s the image that counts, not the race/gender of the photographer. More wolk bullshit.
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In Germany we call these people Beischlafbettler and I think it's beautiful.
Translated it means intercourse-beggars. You try to score intercourse by parroting feminist opinions.
All teenagers do that. But most of them become adults at some point and change. Except the Americans.
All white males who agree should give all their camera gear to a minority.
"Self hate" and "Self flagellation." Lol. The fragility of these people when anyone points out that some people experience obstacles that they don't. Never fails to amaze me.
Timely article when I was on the fence about deleting my account.
It's obvious that (most) triggered comments in here get their talking points from Jordan Peterson and Bro-Rogan. Scholarly talking points from a clinical psychologist or Bro-Podcast brain farts played off as their own ideas in random comments sections on the interwebs always make buttery popcorn taste way better.
So, which corporate job are you trying to land by posting such a video all of a sudden? Was it a requirement from a new big client? There was another "well-known YouTube photographer" who started all of a sudden to post videos like that, without a doubt to appeal to some large corporate "woke" client. For the money of course.
Ah! He is prostituting himself to the woke.
Another "famous" YouTube photographer posted an almost identical video about 1.5 year ago, then he closed his failing studio, bought a new car (!), and who knows what he's doing now. And other professionals in various fields have had similar experiences. In my field, we got mass emails from a large agency to state if we were in a "minority category", and one of the categories was "not openly LGBT". I didn't declare anything, and my jobs from that agency fell down more than 50% in a matter of weeks.
75 comments, 1 of those from a female. Always the same on these ones.
Reading the comments, I totally understand why.
To be fair, that's how it is literally in all the articles (few women participate), even on the non-controversial ones, which is like 99% of them (articles).
What a load of Horse S__t. Skin color has nothing to do with success. Only the woke naive leftists believe and promote this true racist nonsense. More garbage. What a crap article.
The great majority of photographer hiring decisions and photography buying decisions are made by white women, though.
Whiteness as a pathology is a narrative developed by ideological parasites in order to dupe White liberals into believing that they can attack their history/identity/being in the abstract without personal loss. The end goal of 'deconstructing Whiteness' is the total dispossession of Whites everywhere. If you're White and taking part in this anti-White hypocrisy, at least have the decency to not have children. They'll end up hating you for what you've done to them.
This is an article? This woke bs is news? Must have been a quiet day in photoland when you decided to post this kind of pointless virtue signalling nonsense. Disappointing fstoppers, disappointing.
If you'd watched the video you would have understood why the author is talking about white male privilege instead of just getting triggered by a headline.
Politics is infecting everything. Miss the days of talking about photography and equipment.
You know you have white privilege when on a daily basis people attack you for being white.
What scholarships or special programs are offered for being white? What organizations are dedicated to promoting white people? How many race based affirmative action policies privilege white people?