The X-Pro2 and X-T2 are the most recent flagship models from Fujifilm and on paper, they seem very similar. They both have the same sensor, processor, auto focus frame, etc. So it makes sense that a lot of people want to know which one to get. While each camera has its obvious differences, there are also some little things that could have you lean one way or the other.
The most obvious difference between the two cameras is the fact that one is a rangefinder styled camera while the other is DSLR type. What this means is that the X-Pro2 has the viewfinder on the far left of the camera while the X-T2 has it in the more traditional center. The X-Pro2 also has a hybrid viewfinder. This allows a user to quickly switch between an optical viewfinder (OVF) and an electronic viewfinder (EVF). The benefit of this rangefinder styled OVF is that you have the ability to see outside of your frame. This allows you to see subjects before they enter the frame so that you can better plan or recompose when needed. This style of shooting is great for documentary styled work like weddings or street photography because you don't get stuck with tunnel vision only seeing what's inside your frame. Then with the flick of a switch you can have a very nice and fast EVF that lets you see exactly what the image will look like before you press the shutter. There is also a cool little feature where you can have the OVF with a small little EVF in the bottom right of the frame. This gives you the benefits of both worlds.
While the X-T2 is limited to just an EVF, it is one of the best you can get on any camera. It’s larger and has a quicker refresh rate which makes using it more pleasing to the eye. Jumping back and forth from the X-Pro2 EVF to the X-T2, you will notice quite the difference. But after a day of shooting on the X-Pro2, I don't find myself longing for the larger EVF of the X-T2 and would much rather trade the larger EVF for the smaller hybrid viewfinder.

The eye cup on the X-T2 is a lint and dust magnet.
As far as the finish and overall build go, the X-Pro2 has nice gloss black finish as opposed to the matted textured finish of the X-T2. This difference boils down to personal preference, but I feel like the gloss finish looks better. The X-Pro2 also has nice metal front and rear dials that have a knurling that matches the other dials on the camera. The XT2 trades these metal dials for a pair of plastic dials. In use they both work well, but again, I feel like the dials on the X-Pro2 look and feel better.
When it comes to the other dials and buttons, both cameras have the shutter speed dial and exposure compensation dial, but the X-Pro2 has the ISO dial built into the shutter speed dial while the X-T2 has it’s own dedicated ISO dial.

Moving onto the LCD screen, the X-Pro2 has a very nice fixed screen, while the X-T2 has a lower quality screen that can tilt. This is very similar to the situation we faced with the EVF though. If you go back and forth between the two screens, you can definitely tell that the screen on the X-Pro2 is nicer. But after a day of shooting on the X-T2, I don't find myself wishing I had the screen of the X-Pro2. I would much rather have the nice tilting LCD screen over the nicer fixed LCD screen.

Now let's talk about about another source of frustration for me between the two cameras. The X-Pro2 has an option to shoot in either high (eight frames per second) or low (three frames per second) continuous shooting modes. The X-T2 has the same option of either a high or low continuous shooting mode, but if you select high, you have the option of 14, 11, or 8 frames per second. If you choose low, you get the option of 5, 4, or 3 frames per second. The frustrating part is that the X-T2 is limited to eight frames per second if you are using the mechanical shutter, but you can use 11 and 14 if you switch to the the electronic shutter. So the difference is frame rates has nothing to do with a physical limitation. The X-Pro2 uses the same sensor, processor, and seems to have the same mechanical shutter. So I really don't understand why this cannot be added to the X-Pro2?
Another feature you will find on the X-T2 that you won't see on the X-Pro2 is the ability to change how the camera tracks a subject when using the continuous autofocus mode. This AF-C settings menu has six different options that allow you to fine tune how the camera will track a subject. You can adjust for things like erratically moving subjects or so that the camera won't be confused by obstacles that my get between you and you subject as you track them. Since both cameras have the same autofocus system, it would make sense that they would have the same options when it comes to autofocus settings. But that's just not the case. The X-Pro2 was also recently updated to get the same AF-C algorithms that are used on the X-T2, but they failed to add the AF-C settings menu.

The last difference between to the two cameras is the video abilities. While both cameras have seen major upgrades in comparison to previous models, only the X-T2 has the to ability to record in 4K. In order to add 4k recording to the X-T2, Fujifilm had to add a physical heat sink to the device. While 4k recording could be added to the X-Pro2 via firmware, due to the lack of heat sink, Fujifilm has said that the feature would be too limited to justify the addition. The X-T2 is currently limited to 10 minutes ok 4k recording unless you are using the vertical battery grip, so I’m curious what the limitations on the X-Pro2 would look like if the feature was added.
The Winner
After looking at both cameras, most of the features that separate the two can be found on the X-T2. Things like more Fn buttons, more dials and levers to control functions, a tilting screen, and 4K recording. The only real feature that cannot be found on the X-T2 is the hybrid viewfinder. So if I had to give my recommendation on which camera to buy, sight unseen, it would have to be the X-T2. I say sight unseen though because when I leave the house with one camera for a day of shooting, I grab the X-Pro2 almost every time. It may just be personal taste, but I like the look and feel of the X-Pro2 more. It just seems more enjoyable to shoot and all the buttons and dials seem to be in a more ideal location. This is why it’s so frustrating for me to see features on the X-T2 that can and should be found on the X-Pro2. But as it stands today, aside from my personal taste, the X-T2 is the clear winner. Thankfully Fujifilm is known for their amazing firmware updates and ability to listen to users, so hopefully they are seeing this.
Do you have the X-Pro2 or X-T2? What do you think? What are some features that you feel are missing from either camera?
Below is a set of images shot on either the X-Pro2 or the X-T2. If you are curious about a specific image, feel free to ask in the comments.
I like the idea that the winner is the one that makes you want to leave your house in the first place!! That is why I also grab the XPRO2. The less bells and whistles and function buttons the better. Give me RAW, ISO, shutter speed, and a good aperture ring on my lens and I'm all set. Despite the parallax error, I love the rangefinder.
Do the frame lines on the X-Pro2 not compensate for parallax errors?
there is a parallax compensation
As I don't really know Fuji, I only played a bit with the X-T2 at the photo film expo we have here in South Africa. I am hoping you could answer this, because I am thinking that your talking of the parallax compensation is what I am thinking of.
I was trying to find out about tilt shift lenses for the Fuji and the guy was saying they don't make, then tried to show me how the parallax compensation works. But I just want to find out have you ever done a stitch of sorts with the Fuji that would more or less equate to having used a tilt shift on a different brand? And if you have, how easy was it?
I'd offer that while the frame lines try to compensate for parallax error, they more-so compensate for the framing discrepancy associated with parallax error... but they cannot correct for actual parallax, ie: how foreground and background elements align with one another. Just as opening and closing one and then the other of your eyes cannot correct for parallax error, since they reside in two separate physical places on your face. Only a true through-the-lense system can give you perfectly accurate, parallax-free framing. That being said, it's not a big deal when everything in your frame is far away... it only presents a noticeable problem when there is significant foreground and background. Ya dig?
Yeh that sounds about right. It's certainly not going to be able to compensate for actual parallax, I would expect the framelines to be an accurate representation of what I'll be taking the photo of. Thank you.
They both are remarkable tools, I'd say this comes down to personal preference. I fell in love with Fuji by way of Xpro1. Then purchased a XT1 and currently own XT2. I feel like I could get the job done with anyone of those cameras but prefer XT2 overall.
Perfectly timed article. I've been using an X70 since it was first released. I am considering moving back to a larger camera. I've had my eye on an X-Pro2 for awhile. The The X-Pro2 and the new 23mm f/2 sound great.
One comment on the X70. I watch and read many reviews of it. Podcasters like it. But when they say what their preferred camera is, it is seldom the X70. It is typically the X100T, the X-T2 or the X-Pro2... Hum. I think that speaks a lot about my tiny camera.
Thanks for you posting. I enjoyed it
I actually really enjoy the X-70. Plan to do a review on it soon.
Keep in mind that if they made everything the same to the parts both camera shared, you'd have two cameras that are nearly identical- might as well kill off one, right? Just like Canon choosing not to upgrade their memory card speed on the Mark 4's, even though they could have easily designed it for CFast like it's bigger brother, the 1Dx- but then, what would make the (pricier) 1Dx more advantageous enough to buy if the Mark 4 has similar performance?
I guess there's enough folks out there who purposely want a rangefinder styled camera, which is why Fuji is still keeping the X-Pro, instead of merging the two into one super camera.
I feel like the X-Pro2 and X-T2 are different enough in a body style and hardware sense that they could still justify having both even if both had the same Fn buttons, focus tracking options, and continuous shooting. If anything, I think it would give users an easier choice on which camera they want. I'm not saying I want them to have the same exact features, I just want them both to have the features they are capable of having that are not limited by hardware.
Who knows what they base their decision on. My decision to get the still on order XT2 is because i don't want a rangefinder style camera. It also has more bells and whistles than the Pro2 (which im sure will get them a whole lot more orders from the general population than the Pro2, which will appeal to a more specialized group of photogs)
I picked up an X-Pro2 shortly after the X-T2 came out and I can't say I regret it at all. Other than the huge viewfinder, I don't need anything that the X-T2 offers over mine. If I shot action or events it might be different, but they're both amazing. Great article!
There is another Fujifilm camera called the X100 series that is similar to the X-Pro2 that I enjoy using for the same reasons proposed that suits my personal preference. I wonder if Fujifilm will come out with and update to the X100T.
Definitely! The X100 series is amazing. I started my ventures into Fuji with the original X100. Rumor is that the new version fill be the X100F. Check out Fuji rumors. They get some pretty accurate info prior to an official release.
Great review Jason, I have been waiting for someone to do an honest review of these two! And although I hate to admit that the X-T2 is the winner, the X-Pro2 is my favorite camera as it is the reason why I ditched my Canon equipment. Using the X-Pro2 rangefinder and it's EVF gives you that something that you do not get from the EVF on the X-T2.
I owned the Xpro2 and immediately knew that the XT2 was going to be what I needed: there is no vertical grip for the Xpro2. The XT2 Vertical Grip is excellent, and provides some extra features for 4k shooting and high fps. But shooting portrait orientation on the Xpro2 really started to hurt after an hour. And as a taller photographer, the shooting extra couple of inches gained when using the Xpro2 (extreme left viewfinder vs. central EVF) in portrait orientation meant I had to hunch over just a bit too far. While the OVF was excellent in low light and I loved using the EVF on the left, the XT2 was the tool I needed to work better.
I tried the xt2 for couple of days..
I love:
[1] the quick response of the camera, very quick to open, adjust and shoot with great quality and sharpness
[2] the electronic view finder works for video shooting as well..
[3] the good size of the 4k videos, nicely decoded and the quality remains pretty good
I hate:
[1] critical point for me; the electronic view finder makes it really difficult to use the camera for studio shooting..
[2] critical point for me; I own canon and nikon and very often I switch memory cards,, create a new folder, and shoot. XT2 doesn't have such an option, and when I reached 1k frames in the same folder, it showed memory full despite of having +38 GB free on the memory.. and it showed an error when I returned the memory card back to the canon camera to create a new folder..
[3] not really critical!! but i don't how!!! the two second image view after the shot, it has more magenta than the normal view, when the view button is pushed, I feel the photos are more yellowish and greenish..
[4] not critical at all, you can not change the ISO while video recording.
[1] critical point for me; the electronic view finder makes it really difficult to use the camera for studio shooting..
You can turn off the Exposure simulation in EVF. Handles like a DSLR then. Actually you can turn off the Exposure simulation and the WB simulation or leave the WB simulation on.
Qualitywise both cameras are excellent. Maybe the X-T2 is the more sophisticated camera since its newer BUT I personally prefer the style and the feel of the X-Pro 2. But again its a personal preference. I own both but if I had to choose only one it would be the X-Pro 2
I have the x-pro2 and I swear if they just enabled the joystick button to function as a back-button focus, this would be the perfect camera for me. the AEL and AFL buttons can be assigned for back-button purposes but they're are not placed within easy reach of the thumb. it gets annoying refocusing every shot, especially in low light.
I also take this camera with me every time I leave my house. it's so easy and everything feels right. I love this camera, and I hope fuji adds custom function to the joystick button to allow back-button focusing.
Have had the X-T2 for two months now, and find it a joy to use. Huge functionality, high quality build, excellent ergonomics. The list of Likes is too long to even begin, and Things to Improve seems almost like nit-picking. That said...
1 I generally shoot with the Auto-bracketing set to 3 film stock simulations, one of which is B&W. It would be logical for the EVF and screen to display in B&W if the first film stock simulation chosen was a B&W one. The only way I can see that the EVF and screen will display in B&W is to choose ONLY a B&W simulation. Should be a simple firmware mod.
2 In-camera battery recharge. ONLY if the camera is connected directly to a computer. NOT to a docking station, and -- more importantly -- NOT to a portable charger (which I generally carry for my iPhone). Are Fuji being over-protective? I don't intend to find out, but surely they could collaborate with one of the battery makers and get a portable charger that wouldn't risk frazzling the circuits.
3 Hard eye-cup.
That's about it, apart from those it's pretty-much everything I want or need.
Easy, get both. They are cheap and if you are serious you would have two bodies anyways.
Great photos!