The Instagram Feature I Want the Most (But Will Never Get)

The Instagram Feature I Want the Most (But Will Never Get)

Let's pretend for a moment that you've found a magic lamp, and it's going to grant you one and only one Instagram-related wish. I can think of what I'd wish for. Can you?

Let's also establish a guideline for this hypothetical scenario so as to stay focused. We'll assume that your wish has to be something feature-related. That is to say, you can't wish for millions of followers, or infinite engagement on your posts, or similarly self-styled wishes. This social media magic lamp will create any one new feature you can think of to add to the platform. Think about it for a while. If there is something that you wish you could do that you can't, what would it be? What frustration do you want taken away via a feature? Okay, have you thought of something?

If this imaginary lamp was in my hands, the thing I would wish for above all else would be the ability to filter out every single feature hub and feature account from the explore tab. If that sounds a bit odd, then stick around and hear me out for a minute. I still use Instagram a lot (as do hundreds of millions of other folks), and I still enjoy, on occasion, the explore tab as a source of inspiration and for finding new and wonderful things other artists are doing. What I absolutely hate about the explore tab is how basically every other image that it shows me is from a feature account, and it drives me crazy. Please, for the love of god, or love of imaginary magic lamp, let me filter out all feature accounts.

If you've just come above ground from under your rock and you're wondering what a feature account is, it's essentially a hub that more or less pilfers the work of other artists in a faux community or contest vibe (“use our hashtag for a chance to be featured” ring a bell?) and builds a following via collecting work from the people who actually make it. Now, this is where I don't want us to get off track: the point here isn't really to slam feature accounts, though I certainly think that would be justified. The point is that I simply do not want to see anything from any of them. My magic wish would be to empower people to see the original source of the content first and foremost, not the account that collected it. Show the people other people, not pages.

I want to see the photo from the photographer, the makeup palette from the MUA, the model's page, the musician's video, the artist's art, the crafter's craft, and so on. I don't want an explore tab full of accounts that collect popular things. Isn't that what the explore tab already is? Isn't filling the tab with feature pages just putting collections inside a collection? Imagine reaching into a cookie jar, and inside is a smaller cookie jar with the cookie in it. You still get the cookie, but there was a pointless extra step that didn't need to be there. Show me the person that's creating the thing, not the account collecting the things that the people created. Make sense?

A second wish, if I had one, or the runner-up wish in this case: let me maintain a vertical 2:3 crop ratio. Seriously, who doesn't hate having to crop of the top and/or bottom off of their vertical shots? What do you folks think? Would you enjoy never seeing another feature page or not? If you thought of something different altogether, let me know in the comments. What feature is lacking that would make your Instagramming a better experience?

Evan Kane is a portrait photographer based near Seattle. He specializes in colorful location portraits with a bit of a fairy tale flair. Always looking to create something with emotion behind it, he fell backwards into photography in mid 2015 and has been pursuing this dream ever since. One if his mottos: "There is always more to learn."

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