In the photo industry, women don't always get the credit they deserve. So here are 12 amazing female wedding photographers that you should be following, but probably aren't.
When first starting to gather names for this list, I set aside a handful of qualifications. The first being that they had to be a female photographer that specializes in weddings. From there, they had to have less than 10,000 followers on Instagram and they needed to have some type of accolade that would set them apart from the pack. So without further ado, here is the list.
Megan Allen - @studio22photography
- Top 10 Fearless Photographer in the U.S. 2018
- Top 100 Fearless Photographer in the World 2018
- Sony Alpha Female
- MagMod Ambassador
Brandi Potter - @brandipotterphoto
- 2018 30 Rising Stars for Rangefinder Magazine
- 2018 Best of the Best Wedding from Junebug Weddings
- 2018 Best of Best Engagement from Junebug Weddings
Crystal Stokes - @crystalstokesphotography
- 2015 Top 5 Fearless Photographers in the World
- Top 100 Wedding Photographers in the U.S. and Canada by SLR Lounge
- Magmod Ambassador
- Instructor at Mystic seminars
- Judge for numerous photography competitions
Isabelle Hattink - @isabellehattink
- 2017 Fearless Photographer of the Year
- 2017 Wedding Photojournalist Association second place in the world
- 2016 Top 10 Fearless Photographer
- Worldwide educator and speaker
Charmi Patel Pena - @charmipena
- Nikon Ambassador
- Magmod Ambassador
- Top 100 Wedding photographers in the U.S. and Canada by SLR Lounge
- 2014 Top 20 award from International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers
Jenn Nauss - @jennnauss
- One of Canada’s Top 30 Under 30 photographers two years in a row
- Multi Fearless awards winner
- Speaker at Mystic Seminars, Hi On life in Hawaii, Fearless Budapest, and Nine Dots in London
- Official photographer for Real Life Women’s Conference
Lyndah Wells - @lyndahwellsphotography
- Magmod Ambassador
- Speaker at WPPI and Fearless Conference
- Fearless Award Winner
Sara France - @sarafrance
- Sony Artisan
- Sony Alpha Female Mentor
- Founder of France Photographers
Petronella Lugemwa - @petronellaphotography
- 2018 30 Rising Stars for Rangefinder Magazine
- Speaker at WPPI, the Photo Cookout, and Inspire Photo Retreat
Sabina Mlandin - @sabinamlainphotographer
- Top 10 Fearless Photographer in the World for 2016, 2017, and 2018
- 2018 Wedding Photography Selects Photographer of the Year
- Top 100 Wedding photographers in the U.S. and Canada by SLR Lounge
- 2017 Romanian Photographer of the Year
Lauren Brimhall - @laurenbrimhallphoto
- 2018 Top 5 Fearless Photographer in the World
- 2018 Top Female Fearless Photographer in the World
- 2018 Tied for Top Photographer in the United States by Wedding Photography Select
- 2018 Top 20 Photographer in the World by Wedding Photography Select
- 2018 Top 30 Photographer in the World by the International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers
You Only Have 11 People Listed?
That's right! This is where you all come in. Given the same criteria I gave myself, I want to know who you think should be on this list? They must have less than 10,000 followers on Instagram, have some type of accolade (speaker, founder, award winner, etc.), and they must be a female photographer that primarily shoots weddings. Drop a link to your suggestions in the comments.

Photo by Erica Biarnes.
Honorable Mentions
Below is a quick list of other amazing female photographers that are absolutely worth checking out. If you think one of these people should be the twelfth, drop their link in the comments.
- Erika Biarnes - @erikabiarnes
- Davina Kudish - @davinaplusdaniel
- Laura Reynolds - @lureyweddings
- Danielle Green - @layersphoto
- Beth Kerechanin - @sethandbethphoto
- Beth Winstead - @chadwinsteadphoto
- Chasnie Vinson - @vinsonimages
- Lindsay Stark - @starkphotography_
- Jennifer Ludwig - @karmapants
You are missing one photographer that should've been at the top of the list 😜
My friend Sharon Litchfield is amazing!!
Beth Winstead for sure. I may be biased though :)